Gluten-Free Markook

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 10 mins – 15 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
200 7g 1g 32g
sugars fibre protein salt
2g 5g 4g 0.2g

(Note: The nutrition values were estimated and can vary based on the type and brand of the ingredients used)

About Gluten-Free Markook

If you’re seeking an excellent gluten-free alternative to common bread types, then welcome to the wonderful world of Gluten-Free Markook. Constructed out of a concoction of ingredients that are purposefully gluten-less, this bread is a testament to the fact that everyone can enjoy a fresh loaf hot from the oven, gluten tolerance aside.

Gluten-Free Markook

The Genesis of Gluten-Free Markook

Markook bread, also known as shrak bread or saj bread, originates from the Levant region, more specifically from countries such as Lebanon, Iran, and parts of Saudi Arabia. Traditionally, this bread has been enjoyed by a multitude of cultures for generations, owing to its thin consistency and pliable texture that effortlessly pairs with a plethora of ingredients.

Our Gluten-Free Markook variation was born out of a simple desire – to make a traditionally gluten-heavy bread inclusive, while still maintaining its characteristically light texture and subtle taste. With carefully-curated and proportioned gluten-free alternatives, we’ve successfully translated the essence of the original Markook bread to our gluten-free variant.

A Harmonious Host of Ingredients

The creation of our Gluten-Free Markook entails a unique blend of ingredients, each selected to replicate the texture and taste of the conventional Markook bread. We’ve combined Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour, Xanthan Gum, Sugar, Salt, Active Dry Yeast, Warm Water, Olive Oil, and some Extra Olive Oil for Cooking, resulting in a soothing symphony of flavors.

Dishes to Partner With

Gluten-Free Markook’s versatility shines when it’s used as an accompaniment to a variety of dishes. Owing to its roots, it pairs well with Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food. It serves as an excellent base for wraps, or as a scoop for hummus, baba ganoush, and other dips. The thinness of the Gluten-Free Markook also makes it perfect as a less-stodgy alternative to traditional pizza crust. To add a twang of freshness, top it with tomatoes, feta, and a drizzle of olive oil for a delicious gluten-free option.

Interested in exploring some Middle Eastern recipes to go with your Gluten-Free Markook? Check out BBC’s collection of traditional Middle Eastern fare. Looking to attempt a gluten-free pizza? Here’s a recipe that might fit the bill.

Enjoy the delightful taste and versatility of the Gluten-Free Markook in your kitchen, and join us in our journey towards making food inclusive for everyone. Happy cooking!

What You’ll Need

  • 1 1/2 cups of Gluten-Free All Purpose Flour
  • 1 teaspoon of Xanthan Gum
  • 2 tablespoons of Sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Salt
  • 1 packet of Active Dry Yeast (approx. 2 1/4 teaspoons)
  • 1 cup of Warm Water (110-115 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil
  • Extra Olive Oil for Cooking


Step One

Firstly, take a large bowl and mix in the gluten-free all purpose flour, Xanthan gum, sugar, and salt.

Step Two

In a separate bowl, mix the active dry yeast with warm water. The water should be between 110-115 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes until the yeast becomes frothy.

Step Three

Now, form a well in the center of your dry mix. Pour in the yeast-water mixture and the olive oil. Stir until everything is well combined and a dough starts forming. This dough should be a bit sticky, but if it’s too sticky to handle, you can add more flour a little at a time.

Step Four

Turn the dough out onto a well-floured surface, and knead gently until the dough has a smooth and elastic texture. This process might take about 10 to 15 minutes.

Step Five

Place the dough in a greased bowl, making sure to also grease the top of the dough to prevent it from drying out. Cover the bowl with a towel and let it rise in a warm place for about an hour, or until it doubles in size.

Step Six

After the dough has risen, divide it into small balls, about the size of a ping pong ball. On a well-floured surface, roll out each ball as thin as possible without tearing it.

Step Seven

Heat some olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Once hot, cook the markook on one side until it starts to bubble and turns golden brown. Flip, and cook the other side for about the same time.

Step Eight

Remove the cooked markook from the skillet and let cool on a wire rack to maintain its crispiness. Continue with the remaining dough balls. Enjoy your homemade gluten-free markook!

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