Licorice Panna Cotta

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 2 hours Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
400 30g 18g 28g
sugars fibre protein salt
20g 0g 5g 0.20g

There is something incredibly satisfying about the creation of a dessert that punches with bold, unexpected flavors while also soothing your sweet craving. For me, that perfect concoction is none other than the Licorice Panna Cotta. Though not traditionally found on rustic Rocky Mountain menus, it’s a recipe that draws upon my love for unique flavors and substantial fare, and is wonderful for closing out those heart-warming meals in colder climes nobly.

Licorice Panna Cotta topped with berries.A Dessert with a Twist

What I truly adore about this Licorice Panna Cotta recipe is its playful nod to rustic tradition with a delectable, unexpected twist. The black licorice’s robust, anise-like flavor blends beautifully with the creamy texture of the panna cotta, while the fresh strawberries and raspberries add a tart sweetness that elevates the dessert to new heights.

While this dessert may remind some of a traditional Bavarian cream or a custard, the use of gelatin instead of eggs lends the panna cotta a uniquely silky texture that makes this dish stand out. Serving this alongside a spiced game meat dish or a hearty trout recipe would make for a satisfying, full-bodied meal.

Health Benefits

Apart from providing a sweet ending to a savory meal, this Licorice Panna Cotta offers some surprising health benefits too. Licorice root, from which licorice candy derives, has been used for thousands of years for its various medicinal benefits. It can help alleviate digestive issues, reduce stress, and even protect the skin. The fresh berries, on the other hand, are packed with antioxidants, fiber, and Vitamin C. Plus, the inclusion of honey not only enhances the flavors but also bolsters the dessert’s nutritional profile.

Panna Cotta may not be a common Rocky Mountain dessert, but it has earned its spot in my kitchen, and hopefully in yours, for its indulgent flavor, creamy texture, and the health-boosting properties it packs. Now that’s a dessert worth celebrating!

So here’s to expanding horizons, embracing new flavors, and finding unexpected love in a dish as delightfully unexpected as Licorice Panna Cotta!

What You’ll Need

  • 1 tablespoon unflavored powdered gelatin
  • 3 tablespoons cold water
  • 3 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup black licorice sticks, cut into small pieces
  • 4 strawberries, for garnish
  • 6 raspberries, for garnish
  • 1 tablespoon honey, for drizzling


Step One

Begin by sprinkling the unflavored powdered gelatin evenly over the cold water in a small bowl. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes to soften.

Step Two

In a large saucepan, combine the heavy cream, whole milk, and granulated sugar. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is hot but not boiling.

Step Three

Add the small pieces of black licorice to the saucepan, stirring until they are fully melted and integrated into the mixture. Remove from heat.

Step Four

Add the softened gelatin to the hot cream mixture and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Step Five

Divide the mixture evenly among six dessert cups or ramekins. Let them cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate until the panna cotta is set. This should take at least 4 hours, but can be done a day ahead.

Step Six

When ready to serve, garnish each panna cotta with a strawberry and a raspberry, and drizzle a little honey over the top. Enjoy your homemade Licorice Panna Cotta!

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