Alkanet Infused Oil Recipe

Prep: 5 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
239 19g 2.7g 15g
sugars fibre protein salt
14g 2g 1g 0.1g

Alkanet Infused Oil Recipe

The “Alkanet Infused Oil Recipe” holds a special place in my heart for a multitude of reasons. Growing up under the Californian sun, my culinary journey has always veered towards vibrant, fresh, and wholesome ingredients. This recipe is a delightful dance of fruity flavors harmonizing with the rich undertones of alkanet-infused olive oil. I remember the first time I crafted this; it was a sunny weekend, and the kids were playing in the backyard. The fragrance of fresh fruits mixed with the soothing aroma of alkanet root wafting through the kitchen felt nothing short of magical.

Health Benefits You Can’t Ignore

What truly elevates this recipe beyond its delightful taste is its incredible health benefits. Alkanet root is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help soothe everything from skin irritations to digestive issues. Combined with extra-virgin olive oil, a cornerstone of the heart-healthy Mediterranean diet, this recipe doubles down on its therapeutic edge. The fresh fruits—strawberries, mango, pineapple, blueberries, and raspberries—are all packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. A touch of honey not only balances the tartness but also brings in its own set of antibacterial and antioxidant properties. And let’s not forget the splash of lemon juice that adds a tangy zing while being a rich source of Vitamin C.

Perfect Pairings

This alkanet-infused oil can be a game-changer in your kitchen. Think of it as a sophisticated upgrade to your traditional fruit salad dressing. It pairs splendidly with a light arugula salad adorned with goat cheese and walnuts. Or drizzle it over a grilled chicken breast and watch it transform from simple to sublime. For a unique twist, try it as a topping for bruschetta—trust me, it’s a crowd-pleaser. Its versatility cannot be overstated, much like an olive oil and balsamic vinegar combination, yet it brings a layer of complexity that you won’t find elsewhere.

Another fantastic use is blending it into a smoothie bowl; the richness of the oil gives an added depth, turning an ordinary breakfast into a gourmet experience. You can even use it as a marinade for seafood, giving dishes like salmon or shrimp an exotic flair, reminiscent of a sunny coastal holiday.

If you’re curious about other unique fruit-based infusions, you might enjoy exploring banana extract infusions or citrus blend oils, both of which can further expand your culinary toolkit.

The “Alkanet Infused Oil Recipe” is an expression of love for food that’s both nourishing and soul-comforting. It’s recipes like this that make me grateful for the variety and freshness that the West Coast offers, allowing me to bring the best of health-conscious and delicious together in one bottle.

What You’ll Need

  • 1/4 cup dried alkanet root
  • 1 1/2 cups extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
  • 1/2 cup diced fresh mango
  • 1/2 cup diced fresh pineapple
  • 1/4 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/4 cup fresh raspberries
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
ALLERGENS: Olive oil, strawberries, mango, pineapple, honey


Step One

Place the dried alkanet root in a clean, dry jar.

Step Two

Pour the extra-virgin olive oil over the alkanet root, making sure the root is completely submerged in the oil.

Step Three

Seal the jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place for 4-6 weeks. Shake the jar gently every few days to help infuse the oil.

Step Four

After the infusion period, strain the oil through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean container, discarding the alkanet root.

Step Five

In a separate bowl, combine the chopped fresh strawberries, diced fresh mango, diced fresh pineapple, fresh blueberries, and fresh raspberries.

Step Six

Drizzle the infused oil over the fresh fruit mixture, ensuring even coverage.

Step Seven

Add the honey and lemon juice to the fruit mixture and gently toss to combine everything thoroughly.

Step Eight

Serve the Alkanet Infused Oil drizzled over the fresh fruit salad immediately or store it in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 days.

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