Baked Lima Beans with Cheese

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 90 mins Difficulty: Intermediate Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
350 14g 7g 45g
sugars fibre protein salt
10g 10g 15g 0.3g

There are few things that speak in soft whispers of home and heritage like a good, hearty, family-endorsed meal. Allow me to introduce you to one such recipe: Baked Lima Beans with Cheese. This warming, comforting dish is more than just a nourishing canvas of vegetables and cheese; it bears a charm that has been passed down through generations in my family.

Baked Lima Beans with Cheese

Unraveling a Family Classic

Growing up in Boston with Irish grandparents has awarded me a treasure trove of culinary secrets. An enthusiasm for New England seafood has always been there of course, but it’s the charm of rustic Irish dishes that truly warms the soul. Baked Lima Beans with Cheese is one such recipe that never fails to evoke those cozy Sunday afternoons at my Grandma’s table where magic was wielded in big pots and hearty casseroles, a tradition I hope to carry forward with my lovely partner, Laura, and our baby boy.

Akin to the homely appeal of Shephard’s Pie or Boston Baked Beans, this recipe embraces the humblest of ingredients and turns them into a wholesome, deeply satisfying dish. It’s the sort of comfort food that partners wonderfully with a classic Irish colcannon or a side of glazed corned beef, for those days when your heart yearns for a touch of hearty indulgence.

A Cornucopia of Nutrients

But neither taste nor tradition stand alone in the appeal of the Baked Lima Beans with Cheese. With lima beans taking center stage in this recipe, it’s also a powerhouse of nutrition. Lima beans are an excellent source of dietary fiber and protein, with a healthy dose of iron and magnesium. Factor in the goodness from the olive oil and the vitamin-rich tomato sauce, not to forget the calcium from the cheese, and you’ve got a well-rounded meal in one dish.

And here’s another sweet little fact: lima beans are a delectably tasty way to maintain a healthy heart. Their high fiber content assists in lowering cholesterol, while the increased folate intake helps lower levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that can damage blood vessel walls.

So give this recipe a whirl the next time you crave something comforting yet healthy. I promise the Baked Lima Beans with Cheese won’t disappoint.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups dried lima beans
  • 6 cups water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 1/2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated
  • 1/2 cup breadcrumbs
ALLERGENS: lima beans, garlic, Worcestershire sauce, sharp cheddar cheese, breadcrumbs


Step One

Begin by soaking your lima beans to soften them. Place the 2 cups of dried lima beans in a large bowl and cover them with the 6 cups of water. Leave them to soak for a minimum of 6-8 hours, or preferably overnight.

Step Two

Once your beans have soaked, drain them in a colander and transfer them to a large pot. Add your teaspoon of salt to the pot, cover the beans with water again, and bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat and allow the beans to simmer for about an hour, or until they are tender.

Step Three

While your beans are simmering, you can begin preparing the sauce. Heat your 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add in your finely chopped onion, and sauté it until it becomes translucent. Then add your minced garlic to the skillet, and continue to sauté for around a minute, or until the garlic is fragrant.

Step Four

Next, add in your cup of tomato sauce, half cup of apple juice, quarter cup of brown sugar, tablespoon of Dijon mustard, tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, and teaspoon of black pepper to the skillet. Stir the mixture well to combine all of the ingredients, and allow it to simmer over low heat for about 15-20 minutes.

Step Five

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and lightly grease a baking dish. Once your beans are cooked and drained, mix them with the sauce from your skillet and pour the mixture into your prepared baking dish.

Step Six

In a separate bowl, combine your one and a half cups of grated sharp cheddar cheese and half a cup of breadcrumbs. Sprinkle this topping evenly over the beans in your baking dish.

Step Seven

Place your baking dish in the preheated oven, and bake your dish for about 45 minutes, or until the cheese is bubbling and the breadcrumb topping is golden. Remove from the oven and let it cool slightly, then serve your Baked Lima Beans with Cheese while they are still warm.

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