10 Inspiring and Delicious Beet (greens) Recipes

All About Beets


One of the world’s healthiest vegetables, the humble beetroot deserves a spot at your dining table. Originated in the Mediterranean, beets are packed with essential vitamins, beneficial plant compounds, and have a number of health benefits. Whether you relish them in your salad or sip as a soup, beets offer ample ways to enrich your diet and boost your health!

Beet Greens image

A Powerhouse of Nutrients

Beetroots are a great source of fiber, vitamin C, manganese, and folate. They also contain nitrates and pigments that can help reduce blood pressure and improve athletic performance. But, the bounty of benefits doesn’t end here. Beets are low in calories and yet high in valuable vitamins and minerals. In fact, they contain a bit of almost all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs!

Health Benefits of Beets

Several studies indicate that the dietary nitrates in beets can significantly reduce blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases and strokes. Research also suggests that they may improve digestive health, support brain health, have anti-cancer properties, and even aid in weight loss.

The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and vascular-protective effects demonstrated by beetroot and its constituents have led to its reputation as a superfood. Beets are also reported to be particularly beneficial for liver health as they contain betaine which helps protect the liver from toxins.

Including Beets in Your Diet

There are numerous ways to include beets in your diet. You can enjoy them raw, juiced, cooked or pickled. They can be a great addition to salads, juices, and even desserts. Also, the greens part of beets (often overlooked) are highly nutritious and can be used like other green vegetables.

Note, excessive intake of beets can lead to a condition known as beeturia, where your urine turns pink or reddish. Do not be alarmed as this is harmless. However, always remember to consume beets in moderation.

Start including this color-rich, highly nutritious vegetable in your diet and experience the health perks it has to offer.


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