Beetroot Risotto

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 40 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
348 7g 2g 59g
sugars fibre protein salt
6g 4g 10g 1.2g

Like a picturesque sunset seeping into the canvas of the horizon, the Beetroot Risotto paints a vibrant symphony on your plate with its dreamy hue. A jazz-composition of ingredients, it’s a taste symphony that sings the soul of a vegetable-rich diet, merging wholesome nutrition with culinary artistry. Drawn from my love for dishes that have more seating at the table for vegetables, it’s a recipe that I adore for its simplicity and elegance.

The Fusion of Cultures

Being a native of Louisiana, my Creole roots always collide with my French ancestry in my love for food. Just like the Beignets or éclairs, the Beetroot Risotto is a true testament to this fusion of cultures. The way each ingredient melds together harmoniously in this dish is exactly how I imagine my dual-heritage to be; a smooth blending of French refinement with Creole warmth.

The Nutrition Quotient

Let’s not forget the health benefits this Beetroot Risotto brings along. Beets, the star ingredient, are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, and folate. An added bonus is that the olive oil used for the risotto is a treasure hoard of antioxidants and healthy monounsaturated fats. And what about the Arboio rice? It carries the richness of proteins, making the mix an invincible nutrition ensemble. Here are some more health benefits of beetroots that you might find interesting.

If you’re thinking about other dishes that the Beetroot Risotto might harmonize with, consider a classic grilled chicken or a light green salad. It also carries a similarity with the classic Italian Risotto Milanese, with the beetroot adding a unique sweet and earthy flavor profile that adds a completely new dimension to the dish.

Every scoop of this Beetroot Risotto brings with it an explosion of flavors and a punch of healthiness that your body will thank you for. Bon Appétit!

What You’ll Need

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 cups arborio rice
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 6 cups vegetable stock
  • 4 medium beetroots, peeled and grated
  • 1 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Parsley for garnishing
ALLERGENS: Garlic, arborio rice, wine (sulphites), vegetable stock, Parmesan cheese


Step One

Heat the olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Once heated, add the finely chopped onion to the pan and sauté until it becomes translucent.

Step Two

Next, add the minced garlic to the pan and sauté for another minute.

Step Three

Add the arborio rice in to the pan and stir well to make sure all grains are coated in oil. Continue stirring for a couple of minutes until rice becomes somewhat translucent.

Step Four

Pour the dry white wine into the pan and stir well. Let the mixture simmer until the majority of the wine has been absorbed by the rice.

Step Five

Gradually add the vegetable stock to the pan, one cup at a time. Stir constantly and add more stock only when the previous amount has been completely absorbed by the rice.

Step Six

When you have used about half the stock, add the grated beetroot into the pan. Continue to add the remaining stock slowly, allowing each addition to be absorbed before adding the next.

Step Seven

When all the stock has been absorbed and the rice is creamy and tender, add in the grated Parmesan cheese. Stir well to ensure it melts evenly into the risotto.

Step Eight

Taste the risotto and add salt and pepper to taste. Stir well to combine.

Step Nine

Serve your beetroot risotto immediately in warmed bowls. Garnish each bowl with a little parsley for added flavor and color. Enjoy your homemade beetroot risotto!

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