Broadleaf Arrowheads and Mushroom Stew

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 40 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
187 4.2g 0.6g 28.2g
sugars fibre protein salt
6.4g 3.6g 7.1g 1.9g

Every time I prepare the Broadleaf Arrowheads and Mushroom Stew, I find myself transported back to my Italian American roots. The rich earthy flavors, the satisfyingly hearty texture, and the fresh, vibrant aroma all take me back to the lovingly prepared meals my grandparents would make. So many cherished memories and traditions center around food, and I am thrilled to pass along one of my favorites to you.

The Story Behind the Stew

This recipe was at first something of my own creation. But as I refined it over time, I realized that in its spirit and flavors, it echoed many dishes of the Old Country. The Broadleaf Arrowheads and Mushroom Stew may not be an age-old family recipe, but it’s certainly a tribute to the traditions I grew up with – hearty, rustic dishes made with love, warmth, and good health in mind.

What’s In It For You

Not only is this stew a comforting, homely delight, it also incorporates a great mix of super healthy ingredients. Broadleaf arrowheads, a staple food for many Native American tribes, are a great source of slow-release carbs, calcium, and vitamin C, while the mushroom variety brings a wealth of essential nutrients including selenium, potassium, and vitamin D.

Self-care is so important in today’s busy world. And I always find that nourishing myself with good food, like this stew, is a great place to start. It’s a wonderful feeling, knowing you’re giving your body what it needs to stay healthy and strong. Not to mention that it’s delicious as well!

Companion Flavors

If you’re thinking of making this into a full-blown feast, consider serving this Broadleaf Arrowheads and Mushroom Stew alongside a refreshing arugula salad to contrast the richness, perhaps with a chunk of steaming, fresh-baked bread, similar to the Italian Pane Casareccio. It will no doubt elevate this humble meal to a gourmet dining experience in your own home. And why not finish off the meal with a light, sweet, and traditional Italian fruit tart?

The Broadleaf Arrowheads and Mushroom stew is a versatile dish that feels right at home when hiking, sharing a meal with loved ones, or just cozied up with a good book. I look forward to you trying it and hearing about your experience!

What You’ll Need

  • 12 Broadleaf Arrowheads
  • 3 cups of assorted mushrooms (like shiitake, oyster, cremini)
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 8 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 cup of white wine
  • 2 large carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 1 large stalk celery, chopped
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Chopped fresh parsley for garnish
ALLERGENS: Mushrooms


Step One

Start by preparing your ingredients. Clean the broadleaf arrowheads thoroughly and cut into small cubes. Clean your mushrooms and slice them. Finely chop your onion, peel and chop your carrots, chop your celery stalk, and mince your garlic. Keep all this aside.

Step Two

Now begin the cooking. Take a large pot and heat the olive oil in it over medium flame. Once the oil is hot, add the finely chopped onions and minced garlic to it. Stir them and sauté till the onions become translucent and the garlic becomes aromatic.

Step Three

Next, add the chopped broadleaf arrowheads, assorted mushrooms, chopped carrots, and chopped celery to the pot. Add in the dried thyme and bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper, then stir everything well to combine.

Step Four

Once all the vegetables are well mixed, pour in the vegetable broth and the white wine. Increase the heat and bring the stew to a boil. After it starts boiling, reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 45-60 minutes.

Step Five

Check the stew after the simmering time. The vegetables should be well-cooked and the flavors well combined. Adjust the seasoning if required.

Step Six

Finally, serve the stew in serving bowls, garnished with fresh chopped parsley. Enjoy your new Broadleaf Arrowheads and Mushroom Stew while it is still hot. It can be served on its own or with warm crusty bread for a hearty meal.

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