10 Delicious Brussels sprouts Recipes

All About Brussels sprouts


Brussels sprouts, named after the city of Brussels in Belgium where they gained popularity, are a part of the cruciferous vegetable family. This family includes other health powerhouses like kale, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Resembling mini cabbages, Brussels sprouts are rich in nutrients and come with a myriad of health benefits.

Brussels sprouts

The Nutritional Profile of Brussels Sprouts

Just half a cup of cooked Brussels sprouts can provide a significant amount of your daily vitamin K and vitamin C requirements. These mini powerhouses are also a great source of fibre, making them an excellent addition to any diet. Other vitamins and minerals present in Brussels sprouts include vitamin A, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, potassium, iron, and calcium.

Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

1. Rich in Antioxidants: Brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants, which are known to reduce oxidative stress and cut the risk of chronic diseases. They contain kaempferol, an antioxidant that may reduce cancer growth, decrease inflammation and promote heart health. Research has found that kaempferol may minimize the growth of cancer cells.

2. Rich in Fiber: With about 2 grams of fiber per half-cup serving, Brussels sprouts are a great way to keep your digestive health in check. Fiber reduces the risk of constipation and promotes regularity for a healthy digestive tract. Furthermore, consuming enough fiber can help manage your weight and control blood sugar levels.

3. High in Vitamin K: Vitamin K is critical for bone health and promoting your body’s wound healing capabilities. Just half a cup of cooked Brussels sprouts delivers over 130% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin K. Studies suggest that consuming Vitamin K can aid in preventing bone loss.

4. Can Help Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels: The fiber and antioxidants present in Brussels sprouts help in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Consuming these veggies may result in a reduced risk of developing diabetes and other health problems associated with high blood sugar.

Considering these numerous health benefits, it’s clear that Brussels sprouts aren’t just a quirky-looking vegetable. They are a real superfood that, when incorporated in your diet, can provide you with a wealth of nutritional benefits. Next time you’re at the grocery store, don’t hesitate to nudge those Brussels sprouts into your cart.


Brussels sprouts Recipe Ideas

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