10 Delicious Cacao Recipes

All About Cacaos

Hidden within the plush, rich, and vibrant rainforests of Central and South America, thrives a sociable and blooming tree with a gift that the world adores – the cacao tree. This wonder nature has blessed us with a source of one of the most beloved delicacies worldwide – Chocolate. But before these trees birth your favorite bar of snickers, they produce a valuable fruit possessing countless health benefits – Cacao.


A Heart Beat of History

The journey of cacao dates back to nearly 4000 years ago. The significant history of cacao involved civilisations such as the Olmecs, Mayans, and Aztecs with these rich beans regarded as a sacred commodity. Among these communities, cacao beans thrived not just as a food, but also a unit of currency.

Savouring the Superfood

Contrary to the common misconception, cacao is different from cocoa. While both originate from the same source, the processing of cacao beans into cocoa involves significant heat, which unfortunately denatures some of the beans’ beneficial properties. On the other hand, cacao retains all its health-giving properties as it undergoes minimal processing, thereby earning its status as a superfood.

A Haven for Health

Pound for pound, cacao beans are among the highest food sources of antioxidants, even surpassing well-known superfoods like blueberries and goji berries. They are brimming with important nutrients – iron, magnesium, and calcium, essential for various bodily functions. They’re also a rich source of heart-healthy fats, similar to those found in olive oil.

One of the standout health benefits of cacao is its contribution to cardiovascular health. Elements present in cacao beans help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow, and promote overall heart health. These, in combination with their anti-inflammatory properties, help to reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.

In addition to cardiovascular health, cacao can also positively impact mood and cognitive performance. Compounds called flavanols found in cacao are known to support neurons and blood vessels in the brain, resulting in improved cognitive functioning over time. Its mood-boosting properties owe much to the compound Phenylethylamine (PEA), which triggers the release of endorphins and mood-enhancing neurochemicals.

From Bean to Bliss

Despite its health benefits, remember that not all forms of cacao (or its most popular derivative, chocolate) are created equal. When choosing a chocolate product, opt for those with a high percentage of cacao and minimal added sugars. This ensures that you get the maximum health benefits without the drawbacks of added sweeteners. Also, integrating raw cacao nibs as part of your meals or smoothies can be an innovative way to enjoy its immense flavor while reaping the health benefits.

The legacy of cacao, embedded deep within our food culture and traditions, goes beyond just its mouthwatering flavor. Cacao promises a world of health benefits and a testament to the nurturing bounty of Mother Nature.

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