What Can You Cook With Caper?

Everything You Need to Know About Caper

When you think of herbs and spices, capers probably aren’t the first thing that come to mind. However, these small, round, green condiments have been a staple in Mediterranean cooking for thousands of years. Whether sprinkled over pizza, tossed in pasta, or added to sauces, these tangy buds deliver a potent punch of flavor that can enhance any dish.


A Little Bit about the Origins of Capers

Capers, known scientifically as Capparis spinosa, originate from the Mediterranean region. This enduring perennial plant thrives in rocky, arid landscapes from Spain to China (source). The edible parts we know as capers are the plant’s immature flower buds. These buds are typically handpicked, then salted and/or pickled to enhance their flavor. Although the pickled buds are most commonly used in cooking, the fruit and leaves of the Capparis spinosa plant are also edible and are sometimes used in Mediterranean cuisine.

Health Benefits of Capers

Capers aren’t just a tasteful addition to your dishes; they’re packed with health benefits, too. Above all, they’re low in calories and high in antioxidant compounds. These include rutin and quercetin, antioxidants known for their anti-inflammatory properties and potential to prevent chronic diseases (source). Capers are also a great source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, vitamin A, niacin, and riboflavin.

Moreover, capers have been part of traditional medicine for centuries. They’ve been used to treat ailments such as rheumatism, toothache, and skin disorders due to their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties (source). Do note, however, that more scientific research is needed to fully understand and utilize these medicinal properties.

Other Names for Capers

Depending on where you are in the world, you might come across capers under different names. They are known as ‘alcaparras’ in Spanish, ‘kāperu’ in Hindi, and ‘kapari’ in Greek. No matter what you call them, these tiny buds are indeed a valuable addition to your pantry.

In summary, capers are a perfect combination of flavor and nutrition. They’re a testament to the saying that good things come in small packages. The next time you consider boosting a dish’s flavors, try adding a dash of these Mediterranean buds and revel in their distinct tangy taste and myriad health benefits.

Caper Recipe Ideas

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