10 Inspiring and Delicious Celeriac Recipes

All About Celeriacs

If you’ve ever passed by an odd-looking, knobby vegetable in your grocery store’s produce section, you might have unwittingly encountered the humble celeriac. Also known as celery root, this often overlooked root vegetable is a powerhouse of nutrition and can bring a unique flavor and texture to your culinary repertoire.


While it may not win any beauty contests, celeriac can certainly hold its own when it comes to its benefits for our health. But before we dive into that, let’s learn a bit more about this mysterious food.

What is Celeriac?

Celeriac is a type of celery that is grown for its large, robust root rather than its stalks. Harvested in the colder seasons, it reveals a creamy interior beneath its gnarled exterior, and lends a subtle, earthy celery flavor tinged with hints of parsley to dishes. Its firm texture means it can withstand longer cooking times, making it perfect for roasts, stews and soups.

Health benefits of Celeriac

Don’t be fooled by its rugged exterior; celeriac is absolutely brimming with health benefits. First up, it’s a great source of dietary fiber, making it beneficial for your digestive health. A single cup of raw celeriac provides about 14% of the recommended daily allowance of fiber, promoting satiety and contributing to weight management.

Moreover, this root champion is packed with Vitamin K, a nutrient that is essential for bone health and blood clotting functions in our bodies. Celeriac is also teeming with vitamin C and phosphorus, each aiming to fortify your immune system and assist with energy metabolism respectively. From supporting heart health to aiding digestion, boosting the immune system and potentially lowering inflammation, celeriac most certainly brings a lot to the table.

Here is a handy link to the health benefits of celeriac for some more detailed information.

Incorporating Celeriac Into Your Diet

Perhaps one of the greatest things about celeriac is its versatility in cooking. You can roast it, mash it, grill it, and even spiralize it into low-carb ‘noodles’. It pairs exceptionally well with cream-based dishes, but can also hold its own in more delicately flavored dishes. A classic French recipe to try is Celeriac Remoulade, a delightfully tangy raw salad.

So next time you see this unassuming root sitting quietly in your grocery store, give it a chance and take one home. You will be surprised at how much this knobby, overlooked vegetable can brighten up your meals and boost your health, one bite at a time.

Celeriac Recipe Ideas

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