Celery Leaf and Feta Cheese Omelette

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 20 mins – 25 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
421 33g 14g 6g
sugars fibre protein salt
5g 2g 23g 1.58g

I remember the first time I created the Celery Leaf and Feta Cheese Omelette. It was a gorgeous summer morning in Brooklyn, and I was inspired to whip up something that screamed simplicity but also boasted the diversity that New York City – my hometown – is so celebrated for. This omelette, with its intriguing combination of savory feta cheese and the unusual but delightful fresh celery leaves, does precisely that. What’s more, it encapsulates the essence of what Your Gourmet Guru is all about: creating dishes that are as nutritious as they’re utterly delectable.

The Ingredients – A Symphony of Nutrients

The celery leaves in this recipe aren’t just for show; they’re a powerhouse of nutrients. They are low in saturated fat, and a great source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and dietary fiber – crucial for maintaining overall health. As for the red onions, besides providing a robust flavor, they’re also excellent for your heart health. And let’s not overlook the hero of this recipe: the feta cheese. It’s lower in fat compared to many other varieties and packed with calcium for strong bones and teeth. All these ingredients weaving together not only make for an exquisite breakfast option but also contribute to your daily nourishments.Medical News Today elaborates wonderfully on the health benefits of these ingredients.

The Melting Pot – Embodying Diversity

Coming back to why I particularly cherish this recipe – its ability to capture the diversity of NYC’s culinary scene, which I’ve always been in awe of. Here, we have the vibrant, versatile Greek staple, feta cheese – traditionally crafted in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem – meeting the humble celery, an integral part of classic American cooking. The result is a dish that’s vibrant, hearty, and full of character.

Celery Leaf and Feta Cheese Omelette

In terms of similar dishes, it reminds me of the Italian classic, Frittata. It’s an egg-based dish filled with a variety of ingredients, typically served for breakfast or brunch. The Celery Leaf and Feta Cheese Omelette, with its rich flavors, would also work well with a nice green salad for a balanced meal. Epicurious has a nice primer on making a frittata.

So whether you’re looking for a satiating start to your day, preparing a simple lunch, or whipping up a late-night snack – give the Celery Leaf and Feta Cheese Omelette a shot. Creamy, flavorful, and so easy to make – it’s a shining example of gourmet cuisine right in your kitchen!

What You’ll Need

  • 12 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 cups fresh celery leaves, finely chopped
  • 1 large red onion, diced
  • 3 cups crumbled feta cheese
  • Salt and pepper to taste
ALLERGENS: Eggs, Milk, Feta Cheese


Step One

Begin by beating the 12 large eggs in a bowl thoroughly. Once they are beaten, add the 1/2 cup of whole milk and continue to blend well.

Step Two

Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

Step Three

When the oil is hot, add the diced red onion to the skillet and cook until it becomes translucent. This should take about 5 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.

Step Four

Add the finely chopped celery leaves to the skillet with the red onion. Continue to cook for a couple more minutes until the leaves wilt and release their aroma.

Step Five

Pour the egg and milk mixture into the skillet, evenly covering the celery leaves and onion. Reduce the heat to low and let the omelette cook slowly. Do not stir!

Step Six

While the omelette is cooking, season with salt and pepper to taste.

Step Seven

When the omelette is mostly set but still slightly runny on top, add the crumbled feta cheese over the top. Cover the skillet and let the omelette cook until it is set all the way through and the cheese has melted.

Step Eight

Carefully slide the omelette onto a plate. It is best served hot. Enjoy your Celery Leaf and Feta Cheese Omelette!

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