Chocolate and Tonka Bean Mousse

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
450 26g 12g 37g
sugars fibre protein salt
20g 10g 7g 0.08g

I’m a lover of all things Italian, but there is something about our Chocolate and Tonka Bean Mousse that just gets me every time. It’s a decadent dessert that blends hearty Italian tradition and whimsical, gourmet creativity. Like an edible love letter from my kitchen to yours, these bowls brimming with mousse are a celebration of our shared passion for phenomenal food.

Chocolate and Tonka Bean Mousse

The Heart of the Mousse: Avocado and Tonka Beans

Avocado is the humble heart of this dish, a surprising element that elevates this mousse to a healthy dessert choice. Avocado, rich in healthy fats and nutrients, brings a creamy texture that blends marvelously with dark chocolate and cocoa powder. The health benefits of avocados are numerous – they assist in digestion, improve heart health, and even enhance your vision. So, every bite of our mousse is not only delicious but also a step towards better health. Learn more about the Health Benefits of Avocados.

The tonka bean, an exotic ingredient from South America, lends its unique fragrance to the dish. A little like vanilla, almond, and cinnamon all at once, these beans make our mousse a sophisticated and elegant delight. It’s an appreciated addition to my grandparents’ culinary traditions.

Possibilities for Pairing

Our Chocolate and Tonka Bean Mousse is versatile enough to fit nearly any menu and hearty enough to stand on its own. It pairs well with a cap of espresso after a meal, or even a glass of dessert wine if you’re feeling indulgent. For those of you attempting an Italian-American feast like the ones from my childhood, this dish would cap off a meal of spaghetti and meatballs perfectly. But, truthfully, I’d pair it with a good book and a quiet afternoon just as easily.

You may also choose to offset the richness by serving it with lighter, fruit-based desserts. For instance, a light Citrus Salad with Vanilla Syrup would provide a refreshing contrast and make for a stimulating palate cleanser.

A dash of sea salt, a hint of vanilla extract, a sprinkle of Tonka beans – these are the little things that weave the magic in our recipe. Add the final embellishment with a garnish of fresh berries, and let the hearty simplicity of Italian cuisine envelop your senses. So, whether it’s a festive banquet or a quiet weeknight in, let’s bring family traditions to the table with our Chocolate and Tonka Bean Mousse.

What You’ll Need

  • 200g dark chocolate
  • 40g unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 3 ripe avocados
  • 4 tablespoons honey
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 Tonka beans, grated
  • 6 tablespoons almond milk
  • Fresh berries for garnish
ALLERGENS: dark chocolate, cocoa powder, avocados, honey, vanilla extract, almond milk


Step One

To begin, melt the dark chocolate gently using a bain marie or a microwave. Once the chocolate has melted, mix the unsweetened cocoa powder until there are no clumps remaining.

Step Two

Halve the avocados, remove the stones, and scoop out the creamy flesh. Put it in a food processor or blender together with the melted chocolate mixture, honey, grated Tonka beans, vanilla extract and sea salt.

Step Three

Blend everything together until it becomes a smooth and luxurious mixture. If the mixture is too thick, add the almond milk gradually, processing again until you reach a perfect mousse consistency.

Step Four

Divide the chocolate and Tonka bean mousse amongst individual serving glasses or bowls, and then refrigerate the mousse for a minimum of two hours, or until it is firm.

Step Five

Just before serving, garnish the mousse with fresh berries. Enjoy this decadent yet easy to make dessert!

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