What Can You Cook With Cuban Oregano? Here’s 10 Delicious Recipes

Everything You Need to Know About Cuban Oregano

Cuban Oregano

The aroma of Cuban Oregano wafting through the air is often associated with the exquisitely seasoned dishes of Caribbean and Latin American cuisines. More than just amping up the flavor of your meals, this staple herb of Cuban cooking also boasts numerous health benefits.

The Culinary World’s Caribbean Jewel

Contrary to its name, Cuban Oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus) is not only native to Cuba, but also parts of Africa and India. Often referred by different names such as Mexican Mint, Spanish Thyme, and Indian Borage, it is a succulent herb from the Lamiaceae (mint) family. Visit World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to learn more about global biodiversity.

Its leaves, fleshy and rounded, give off an enticing aroma that adds a distinct flavor to any dish. When compared to its Mediterranean counterpart, Cuban Oregano’s flavor profile is notably stronger, complementing heartier and more robust recipes.

Nutritional Powerhouse

Beyond its culinary usage, Cuban Oregano is also recognized for its medicinal properties. Rich in essential vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin A; this culinary gem is believed to contain some of the most abundant sources of antioxidants found in nature, which are well-known for their immune-boosting and disease-fighting capabilities. For more on the importance of antioxidants, visit Harvard Health Publishing.

Another fantastic health benefit of this flavorful herb is its ability to promote digestion. Traditionally, it has been consumed as a tea to soothe and alleviate common digestive issues like bloating and colic. The presence of high fiber content also aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

Cuban Oregano: Beyond the Kitchen

Cuban Oregano can have uses beyond the kitchen and medicine cabinet. Its beautiful variegated leaves, ranging from green to purple, make it a perfect addition to your garden or even as a houseplant. Its resilience to pests and its overall hardy nature make it a breeze to grow and maintain.

From adding flavors in every kitchen to promoting better health and beautifying gardens, no wonder Cuban Oregano is regarded as one of the most wonderful herbs globally. The countless benefits it offers make it a must-have in every home. To learn more about growing your own herbs, check out the tips on Gardening Know How.

Our Favorite Cuban Oregano Recipes

Cuban Oregano Roast Chicken

Cuban Oregano Roast Chicken

Experience Cuban Oregano Roast Chicken, infused with zesty lime, fresh orange, and fragrant Cuban oregano for a tropical twist on a classic dish.

Cuban Oregano Marinated Lamb Chops

Cuban Oregano Marinated Lamb Chops

Enjoy the tangy flair of Cuban Oregano Marinated Lamb Chops! Succulent lamb infused with citrus notes, fresh oregano and sweet fruits.

Potato and Onion Frittata with Cuban Oregano

Potato and Onion Frittata with Cuban Oregano

Savor a hearty Potato and Onion Frittata speckled with Cuban Oregano. A tasty mix of fragrant herbs, fluffy eggs, and golden-brown potatoes.

Leek and Mushroom Quiche with Cuban Oregano Crust

Leek and Mushroom Quiche with Cuban Oregano Crust

This delectable Leek and Mushroom Quiche, with a fragrant Cuban Oregano crust, is a delightful fusion of savory flavors. Perfect for brunch or dinner!

Cuban Oregano, Tomato, and Mozzarella Tart

Cuban Oregano, Tomato, and Mozzarella Tart

Savor the tropical twist in this Cuban Oregano, Tomato, and Mozzarella Tart. A refreshing blend of ripe tomatoes, fragrant oregano and creamy mozzarella.

Grilled Corn on the Cob with Cuban Oregano Butter

Grilled Corn on the Cob with Cuban Oregano Butter

Flavorful Grilled Corn on the Cob smothered in a zesty Cuban Oregano Butter blend. Perfect for summer barbecues or a tasty side dish!

Cuban Oregano and Cilantro Lime Rice

Cuban Oregano and Cilantro Lime Rice

Tangy and zesty rice infused with fresh Cuban oregano, vibrant cilantro, and a burst of lime. A refreshing fruit twist for a tropical delight!

Cuban Oregano and Lime Grilled Shrimp

Cuban Oregano and Lime Grilled Shrimp

Savor summer with Cuban Oregano and Lime Grilled Shrimp: zesty lime, aromatic oregano, and juicy shrimp. Perfect for a quick, vibrant, and healthy grill recipe!

Garlic, Honey, and Cuban Oregano Glazed Pork Chops

Garlic, Honey, and Cuban Oregano Glazed Pork Chops

Experience a zesty twist with succulent pork chops glazed in a harmonious blend of garlic, honey, and Cuban oregano, creating a flavorful feast that tantalizes the senses!

Roasted Vegetables with Cuban Oregano Breadcrumbs

Roasted Vegetables with Cuban Oregano Breadcrumbs

Discover a symphony of flavors with Roasted Vegetables topped with Cuban Oregano Breadcrumbs— a delightful fusion of fresh and savory notes.

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