Delicious Fish

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 30 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
471 23g 13g 45g
sugars fibre protein salt
8g 6g 28g 0.69g

Why I Love Brazilian Delicious Fish

What initially drew me to this enticing Brazilian dish called Delicious Fish was the incredible fusion of flavors and rustic simplicity. There’s this unparalleled magic in having an array of humble ingredients come together into a dish that is unpretentious yet sublime in taste. The stew-like consistency of Delicious Fish, where each morsel is soaked in aromatic goodness, has indeed taken me back to Ireland’s comfort food and the familiar, wonderful smells from my grandmother’s kitchen.

The Joyous Confluence of Flavors

Each element in the Delicious Fish, from the white fish fillets to the fragrant cilantro and peppers, contributes to an exotic blend of taste and texture. This dish owes a lot to Claude Troisgros , a French chef who is widely respected for his work in marrying Brazilian ingredients and techniques with French sensibilities. The usage of coconut milk, reminiscent of Troisgros’s style, is not just a nod to Brazilian cuisine but also lends an unexpected creaminess to the dish, making it akin to the hearty chowders we so love in New England.

Delicious Fish

Universally Adaptable

Another aspect that makes me adore this Delicious Fish recipe is its adaptability. You can effortlessly pair it with a multitude of dishes. If you’re looking for a compliment, it goes marvelously well with side salads. For those who have a preference for an all-seafood feast like my fellow Bostonians, combining it with a classic New England lobster roll or some steamy clam chowder might just be the culinary surprise you seek!

Even within the kitchen, adapting this recipe to align with your family’s food preferences is surprisingly easy. Remember, the art of cooking lies not just in following a recipe to the ‘T,’ but in the ability to mold it to reflect your taste and personality!

Finally, what makes this recipe so close to my heart is the joy that it brings to my family table. A cornerstone of Irish tradition is gathering around the dining table, feasting on homecooked meals, and creating memories. When I serve Delicious Fish—accompanied by the comforting presence of beautifully cooked rice—to my sweetheart Laura and our baby boy, it gratifies our cosmopolitan palate while also encapsulating the warming vibes of family recipes passed down through generations.

What You’ll Need

  • 6 fillets of White Fish (about 1.5 lbs)
  • 6 cloves of Garlic, minced
  • 1 cup of Onion, chopped
  • 2 Green Peppers, chopped
  • 1 can (14.5 oz) of Diced Tomatoes
  • 1 can (14 oz) of Coconut Milk
  • 1 bundle of Fresh Cilantro, chopped
  • 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Red Pepper Flakes
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • 1 Lemon’s juice
  • 3 cups of Cooked Rice for serving
ALLERGENS: Fish, Garlic, Onion, Coconut


Step One

Begin with prepping your vegetables. Mince the garlic, chop the onions, green peppers, and fresh cilantro. Open the cans of diced tomatoes and coconut milk, and set them aside for later. Set your cooked rice aside to be served later.

Step Two

Over medium heat, warm the olive oil in a large pan or skillet. Once warmed, add the chopped onion, minced garlic and chopped green peppers. Cook these until the onions are translucent, usually about 5 minutes.

Step Three

Add the diced tomatoes, coconut milk and red pepper flakes into the pan. Stir everything until it is well combined and bring this mixture to a simmer.

Step Four

Season the white fish fillets with salt and pepper on both sides. Once the tomato-coconut milk mixture is simmering, carefully place the fillets into the pan. Pour the lemon juice over the fish. Cover the pan and let everything cook for about 10 minutes, or until the fish is cooked through and flaky.

Step Five

Once the fish is done, sprinkle the chopped fresh cilantro over the top of everything. Serve the delicious fish over the cooked rice and enjoy!

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