What Can You Cook With Green Pepper?

Everything You Need to Know About Green Pepper

Green Pepper

Origins of the Green Pepper

Bringing a vibrant hue to our dishes and a unique, slightly bitter taste to our palates, green peppers find their origins in Central and South America. Over 7000 years ago, these nutrient-rich bell-shaped vegetables were harvested by the ancient civilizations of Mexico. Today, they have evolved to become a globally loved ingredient, featuring prominently in a variety of culinary concoctions, from the spicy stir-fries of Asia to the hearty stews of Europe. For more information on its historical journey, you might find this account fascinating.

Under the Alias: Capsicum Annuum

Besides being known as green pepper, this versatile vegetable goes by a plethora of other names. Its scientific name, Capsicum Annuum, is derived from Greek and Latin roots. ‘Kaposi’ in Greek translates as ‘to bite’, while ‘annuum’ in Latin represents ‘annual’. However, don’t be deceived by the term ‘annual’, as these plants are often perennial in their native habitats. Other popular appellations include sweet pepper, bell pepper, and in Spain, Pimiento. In Australia, it’s referred to as capsicum. While each name brings its own charm, they all refer to the same mouth-watering ingredient that adds an irresistibly crisp texture to our meals. More on its many names can be found here.

Boosting Health with Green Peppers:

Beyond their tantalizing taste and versatile use in dishes, green peppers are lauded for their impressive health benefits. Packed full of vitamins and minerals, they are a fantastic source of Vitamin C, providing over 100% of the daily recommended intake. These power-packed veggies also contribute towards eye health, with a notable amount of Vitamin A, and are a good source of Vitamin E which can promote healthy skin and hair.
In terms of mineral content, green peppers are rich in potassium and manganese, contributing to heart health and strong bones, respectively. But that’s not all – they’re also low in calories and high in fiber, making them an excellent choice for those keen on weight management. For a comprehensive review of their nutritional benefits, Medical News Today provides a great read.

So whether you’re tossing them into a salad, sautéing them for a stir-fry, or enjoying them raw as a crunchy snack, green peppers bring not just flavor and colour to your plate, but a whole bundle of health benefits. A truly remarkable vegetable indeed!

Green Pepper Recipe Ideas

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