Grilled Wild Leek and Asparagus Salad

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 10 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
165 11g 1.6g 15g
sugars fibre protein salt
9g 3g 5g 0.09g

Have you ever had one of those meals where the flavors stick with you for days? The Grilled Wild Leek and Asparagus Salad is just that kind of dish. It’s an amalgamation of vibrant and hearty ingredients that bring together the tastes of my Montana upbringing: wild, untamed, and deliciously fresh, yet perfectly complementary.

Grilled Wild Leek and Asparagus Salad

The Inspiration Behind the Recipe

In the rural landscapes of Montana, we find inspiration on our plates drawn from the earth itself. From the huckleberries harvested in the wild to the bison grazing in the fields, culinary traditions here straddle between ranchers’ hearty cuisine and the foraged delicacies influenced by Native American practices. This Grilled Wild Leek and Asparagus Salad is a culinary representation of those traditions.

The Health Benefits

Not only is this salad a flavorful delve into my roots, but it’s also exceedingly good for you.

Asparagus is a nutrient powerhouse known for its wealth of vitamins A, C, E, K, and B6, as well as folate, iron, copper, calcium, protein, and fiber. It’s been linked to a variety of health benefits, from lowering blood pressure to helping with weight loss. Wild leeks, on the other hand, have been fashioned by Native American tribes for their medicinal properties, and modern studies reveal their high contents of Vitamin A and C, iron, and dietary fiber.

I love adding a burst of citrus in this salad as well. Oranges and lemons not only impart their tangy brightness but are also known for their high amount of vitamin C, necessary for immune function. Not to forget the antioxidant-rich strawberries and blueberries that add a playful touch of sweetness and color to our salad, making this dish not just a feast for the palate, but for the eyes as well.

Pairing Suggestions

While this salad stands as a brightly balanced meal on its own, it can also be paired splendidly with other dishes. This salad pairs beautifully with a clean, grilled fish dish or a lean bison burger – adding the freshness and crisp texture necessary to complement heavier main courses. Various other spring salads or grilling recipes can also work harmoniously with this recipe.

The Grilled Wild Leek and Asparagus Salad, with its mixed influence from rancher’s favorites and Native American traditions, is more than just a salad. It is a celebration of flavors, a mingling of old and new traditions, and an embodiment of natural health benefits. This recipe personifies the culinary philosophy I have grown up with and continue to cherish.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 bunch of Wild leeks
  • 20 spears of asparagus
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 oranges, juiced
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • 2 cups mixed salad greens
  • 1/2 cup toasted almond slices
  • 1 cup of sliced strawberries
  • 1/2 cup of blueberries
  • 6 sprigs of fresh mint to garnish
ALLERGENS: Asparagus, Olive oil, Oranges, Lemon, Honey, Almonds, Strawberries, Blueberries


Step One

Start by preparing your produce. Rinse your wild leeks and asparagus, and pat them dry. Slice your asparagus spears into halves.

Step Two

Heat up your grill to a medium heat. Toss your wild leeks and asparagus in a bowl with the olive oil, ensuring they are well coated. Season them with salt and pepper to taste.

Step Three

Place your wild leeks and asparagus onto the heated grill and cook for 3-4 minutes each side, or until they are nicely charred and cooked to your liking. Once cooked, remove them from the grill and set them aside to cool.

Step Four

In a medium bowl, combine the juice of the oranges and lemon. Whisk in the honey until it is well combined, and season with salt and pepper.

Step Five

Put your mixed salad greens in a large salad bowl. Add in your grilled wild leeks and asparagus, sliced strawberries and blueberries. Pour the citrus honey dressing over the salad, ensuring it is well coated.

Step Six

Toss the salad gently to mix, then top with the toasted almond slices. Garnish with the fresh mint and serve immediately. Enjoy your Grilled Wild Leek and Asparagus Salad!

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