10 Delicious Lanzones Recipes

All About Lanzones


The lanzones, also known as Langsat or Lansium Domesticum, is a delectably sweet and sour fruit that dominates the Southeast Asian culinary scene. Fondly termed the ‘Lansone’ in the Philippines, this fruit is a seasonal spectacle and embraced heartily across various cuisines. Not just a seasonal treat, the Lanzones is also packed with noteworthy health benefits that make it all the more appealing.

The Health Powerhouse: Lanzones

Hailing from the Mahogany family, these small, round fruits are a medicinal marvel and a nutritional powerhouse. The lanzones is rich in Vitamin A, which aids in preserving good vision and boosting the immune system. Packed with riboflavin and thiamin known for aiding metabolic processes, lanzones are ideal for those seeking a healthy lifestyle.

The protein-rich seeds can help repair body tissues, while the fruit’s natural fiber content assists in maintaining good digestive health. The uniquely sweet and sour flavor of the fruit is creditable to its natural sugars, providing a quick energy boost. With the appropriate mix of necessary minerals such as potassium and calcium, lanzones play an essential role in maintaining heart health and strengthening bones.

Lanzones and its Antioxidant Properties

That’s not all, the nutritional benefits of the lanzones stretch far beyond just vitamins and minerals. Lanzones also harbor an impressive array of antioxidants, such as carotene and polyphenols. These antioxidants are known for their role in neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body, thus slowing down aging and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Making lanzones a regular part of your diet would contribute greatly towards overall health and wellbeing.

Even the very skin of the lanzones is rich in antioxidant properties. Although not most appetizing in taste, the skin of the fruit carries a high concentration of antioxidant properties and protection against malaria-carrying mosquitoes when applied topically.

Apart from all these, lanzones seeds when ground and mixed with water, have been used as a combatant against gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea. The bark, on the other hand, has been used in traditional medicine as a febrifuge – reducing fever and aiding recovery from malaria.

In conclusion, the lanzones is not just another tropical fruit, it is a nutritional bonanza waiting to be explored. Its unique blend of sweet and sour not only entices the taste buds but also packs a healthy punch. The next time you come across this humble fruit, remember to relish not just its unique taste, but also its numerous health benefits.

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