Large Bean Stew

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 1 hour 30 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
528 33g 10g 32g
sugars fibre protein salt
5g 8g 28g 1.2g

Why I Love Spanish Large Bean Stew

The moment I stumbled upon the Large Bean Stew, a radiant Spanish specialty, I knew it was a recipe that would take center stage in my kitchen repertoire. There’s something about creating a dish so warm, fragrant and satisfying that simply speaks to my culinary core. I’m thrilled to share it with you, offering a slice of España right on your dinner table.

Large Bean Stew

A Fusion of Land and Sea

This stew is quite unlike anything you might come across while traversing the Rockies, yet it perfectly embodies the hearty, flavorful dishes that I so passionately create. Home to one of the world’s oldest cuisines, Spain served as the inspiration here, particularly the culinary genius of the legendary Spanish chef, Ferran Adrià. His ability to transform simple ingredients into a culinary masterpiece is what drives my passion for this recipe.

The Large Bean Stew is reminiscent of my beloved Marisco Gallego, a seafood stew from Galicia, Spain. Both dishes prove that wholesome ingredients, simmered together in harmony, can create such splendid comfort food. Furthermore, this stew pairs wonderfully with some artisanal crusty bread or Paella, making it a versatile addition to a sea-to-sky mountain feast.

The Ingredients and their Symphony

The beauty of this stew lies in its simplicity coupled with an impressive depth of flavor. Each ingredient adds to the symphony of taste. The large white beans bring a creamy earthiness that’s complemented beautifully by the smoky Spanish chorizo. Then you have the marriage of sweet vegetables and herbs, simmered gently in a savory chicken stock infused with the luxurious aroma of saffron threads and smokey paprika. All this magic sealed within the warmth of a heavy-lidded pot.

Preparing this Large Bean Stew, one is reminded of the power of patience as the flavors blend and evolve over time. It’s perfect for those chilly nights when all you crave is something to warm your soul, and perfect for Gordon and I, who find bliss in savouring spoonfuls of this divine stew while nestled by the fireplace, reminiscing about our travels.

Every time I stir a pot of this heavenly stew, I’m transported to a world where the mountains of Colorado meet the vibrant coast of Spain. I hope that by sharing this Large Bean Stew, I can invite you on this culinary journey, inspiring a fusion of cultures at your dining table.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups of large white beans, soaked overnight
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 large green bell pepper, chopped
  • 2 large tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 medium carrots, chopped
  • 1 pound of Spanish chorizo, sliced
  • 4 cups of chicken stock
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • 1 teaspoon of saffron threads
  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley, chopped
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
ALLERGENS: Large white beans, Spanish chorizo, chicken stock


Step One

Before anything else, soak your 2 cups of large white beans overnight. This helps soften them, reducing the cooking time and making it easier for your body to absorb their nutrients.

Step Two

Start by heating 3 tablespoons of olive oil in a large stew pot over a medium heat. Once the oil is hot, add your onion and garlic. Cook these until the onion turns translucent or slightly golden.

Step Three

Add the green bell pepper, tomatoes, and carrots into your pot. Stir well and let them soften for around 5 minutes before proceeding.

Step Four

Next, add in your pound of Spanish chorizo, allowing it to cook with the vegetables until its juices have been released.

Step Five

Now, you can add your soaked and drained white beans, paprika, saffron threads, and bay leaves into the pot. Stir well till everything is combined.

Step Six

Afterward, pour in your 4 cups of chicken stock, letting the stew come to a boil. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and allow the stew to simmer until the beans are tender.

Step Seven

Add a bulk of your chopped fresh parsley into the stew, reserving some for garnish later. Season the stew with salt and black pepper to taste.

Step Eight

Lastly, serve your large bean stew warm, garnishing each serving with the remaining parsley. Enjoy your hearty and nourishing stew.

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