What Can You Cook With Lavender?

Everything You Need to Know About Lavender

Image of Lavender

Introduction to Lavenders

Lavender, a name synonymous with a soothing bluish-purple hue and a mesmerizing aroma, artfully threads the line between an essence, a spice, and a healing remedy. Originating from the mint family, Lamiaceae, Lavender’s roots trace back to the Old World, spanning continents from Africa to Europe to Asia.

Also known as “Spike Lavender” or “True Lavender”, this herbal powerhouse is scientifically recognized as Lavandula. The name Lavender is derived from the Latin verb “lavare”, implying ‘to wash’, pertaining to its regular use in baths to invigorate the Roman and Greek civilizations.

Health Benefits and Medicinal Use

Lavender is not just about a captivating aroma and stunning visuals. It’s further packed with bountiful health benefits, making it a staple in traditional medicine and modern aromatherapy alike. The soothing scent of Lavender is known for bringing down stress and anxiety levels, promoting sleep, thereby, making it a common ingredient in relaxation and sleep-aid products.

However, the advantages do not cease at soothing and calming benefits. When ingested as a spice or taken as a supplement, studies have shown that Lavender may also have the ability to safeguard against digestive issues, headaches, and even certain kinds of cancers. Research suggests that Lavender can be used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory, which could potentially aid in minor burns and bug bites. Some practitioners also use lavender in treatment of skin conditions like eczema and acne. It is crucial, though, to ensure that any internal consumption is medically supervised.

In the Kitchen

Lavender’s culinary utility could be another surprising revelation. Edible Lavender has been making its presence felt in gourmet circles for a while. Its sweet floral flavor with faint notes of citrus, makes it an exquisite, aromatic addition to any dish. Lavender is often employed in baked goods, salad dressings, teas, or as a charming garnish. Aside from its unique flavor, it offers a certain visual appeal and aroma that enhances the overall gastronomic experience. But remember, moderation is key: it’s fairly easy to overpower a dish with Lavender flavor.

Lavender Recipe Ideas

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