Lemon Balm and Mint Salad

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
105 0.3g 0g 27g
sugars fibre protein salt
22g 3g 1g 0.005g

One glance at the bright, luscious hues of the Lemon Balm and Mint Salad, and I’m instantly transported to the coast of Maine with its vibrant seafood and verdant herbs. This recipe elegantly combines the robust eastern flavors of my hometown with the sweet, sunny notes of a sun-drenched orchard. It’s the kind of dish that enlivens not just your palate, but also your heart.

Lemon Balm and Mint Salad

The Power of Freshness

Like the seafood that plays such a large role in my culinary journey, the Lemon Balm and Mint Salad shines with freshness. This recipe starts with a generosity of lemon balm and mint leaves, invigorating herbs that are not only energizing, but also offer unique health benefits. Lemon balm, for instance, is well regarded for its calming properties, while mint is known to aid digestion and relieve allergies.

Each bowl is also heavy-laden with a medley of fruits—strawberries, pineapple, peaches, and blueberries—that burst with natural sweetness and vibrant colors. These fruits infuse each bite with a wealth of vitamins and antioxidants, making it as nourishing as it is enticing.

A Pairing of Sweet and Tart

The Lemon Balm and Mint Salad is elevated further by a delightful play of sweet and tart tones. They come into perfect harmony through a dressing of lemon juice and honey. The lemon juice adds just the right tang to counterbalance the sugary notes of the fruits and honey allows this explosive fruity concoction to really sing. The liveliness of this salad makes it an exhilarating match for a good, old-fashioned Maine lobster roll.

If you’ve ever savored a refreshing fruit salad, this Lemon Balm and Mint Salad will surely feel familiar, yet strikingly new. It’s almost like a reinterpretation, taking what’s great about a classic and injecting it with a distinct zest of its own.

When I put together this salad for my daughters Erin and Samantha, their eyes invariably light up with delight. It’s my little way of sharing with them the essence of Maine in a bowl.

What You’ll Need

  • 1/2 cup of fresh lemon balm leaves
  • 1/2 cup of fresh mint leaves
  • 2 cups of sliced strawberries
  • 2 cups of diced pineapple
  • 2 cups of sliced peaches
  • 1 cup of blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
ALLERGENS: Strawberries, Pineapple, Peaches, Blueberries, Honey


Step One

Start by preparing all the fruits for this salad. Clean the strawberries and slice them. Cut the pineapple into smaller, bite-sized chunks. Slice the peaches and wash the blueberries thoroughly. Arrange them all in a large bowl.

Step Two

After the fruits are ready, it’s time to prepare the herbs. Wash the lemon balm and the mint leaves under clean running water and gently pat them dry. You can either leave the leaves whole or chop them up if you wish for a more leafy salad.

Step Three

Combine the prepped fruit and herbs in a bowl. Drizzle them with the lemon juice and honey to enhance the flavors of the fruit and herbs. Toss everything together until the fruit and herbs are evenly coated.

Step Four

Refrigerate the salad for at least an hour before serving to allow the flavors to meld together. Take it out from the refrigerator and toss lightly before serving to mix the juices formed at the bottom.

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