10 Delicious Lulo Recipes

All About Lulos

The little-known lulo fruit, also known as the naranjilla in many parts of Latin America, may be underrated, but it packs a punch of health benefits that are worth exploring.

Lulo Fruit

A Nutritional Powerhouse

Lulo, with its delicate citrusy flavor reminiscent of a mix of lime and rhubarb, is much more than just a delight to the taste buds. This small fruit, encased in an orange, lantern-like husk, is loaded with a myriad of essential vitamins and minerals.

Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, iron, phosphorus and calcium, lulo provides many of the essential nutrients needs for maintaining overall health. The Vitamin C content, for instance, helps to boost your immune system while also serving as a powerful antioxidant that shields your body against cell-damaging free radicals. Meanwhile, the Vitamin A present supports your eyesight, and the iron content aids in the production of red blood cells.

The Health Benefits of Lulo

Beyond its nutritional profile, lulo fruit has a lot more to offer when it comes to health benefits.

Lulo’s high dietary fiber content aids in digestion, keeping your system regulated and reducing the risk of conditions like constipation and bloating. A fiber-rich diet can also help to control weight, as it leaves you feeling full for longer, thereby reducing your overall calorie intake.

Moreover, the presence of Vitamin K in this delicious fruit is key to supporting strong bones. WebMD even notes that an adequate intake of Vitamin K is associated with a reduced risk of bone fractures.

In traditional South American medicine, lulo juice is used to calm the nerves. Though this use is more anecdotal than studied, the calming sensation might be tied in to the potassium content of the lulo, which aids in regulating blood pressure and promotes heart health.

Lulo offers such a unique combination of delectable taste and incredible health benefits. So, why not add this exotic fruit to your diet and enjoy a taste of the tropics while bolstering your health?

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