Macopa Fruit Salad

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
165 1g 0g 41g
sugars fibre protein salt
30g 5g 2g 0.02g

Sweet, in season, and oh-so-refreshing, the Macopa Fruit Salad truly fills me with a sense of giddy nostalgia. Every time I conjure up this recipe it takes me back, as if I’ve been whisked away to a cool, summer evening back on the plains of my cherished Nebraska heartland, watching the sun dip beneath the cornfields. As much as I love the comfort found in my signature heartland dishes, there’s something about a fresh fruit salad, particularly this one teeming with lush Macopa, that has secured a very special place in my heart.

Macopa Fruit Salad

A Healthy Feast of Freshness

Now, you may be wondering why fruits, especially the exotic Macopa, feature so prominently in a guy raised on corn casseroles and beef stews. But my love for this Macopa Fruit Salad comes not only from the delightful contrast it brings to my usual Midwestern spread, but more so from its wonderful health benefits.

Originating from the tropics, Macopa or the Mountain apple as some call it, is naturally high in vitamins A and C and is a great source of dietary fibre. And when combined with strawberries, known for their high antioxidant content, blueberries and kiwi, both packed with Vitamins C and E, this dish transforms into a nutritional powerhouse. Rounded off with a sweet, satisfying dressing of honey and vanilla extract (which is just the right blend of indulgent and healthy), this salad truly is good for the soul and the body. Fun bonus – mint leaves are great for digestion!

A Versatile Companion in Every Meal

Moreover, the Macopa Fruit Salad is incredibly versatile in its pairing – it can brighten up a winter roast, provide a refreshing counter note to a hearty stew, or simply serve as the perfect end to a summer barbecue. If salads could talk, this one would be singing in many tongues! Just envision this beautiful bowl of refreshing salad next to your favorite grilled chicken or fish, or even with a simple, savoury dressing. Food heaven, right?

It’s not strictly Midwest, and some may even call it quite cosmopolitan in its ingredients, but this Macopa Fruit Salad embodies the spirit of farm-to-table freshness that I’ve always loved about Nebraskan cooking. And yes, it sure brings a delightful burst of color and flavor to the family table – one that I hope you’ll enjoy as much as I do.

What You’ll Need

  • 3 cups of fresh Macopa (also known as Mountain apple or Rose apple), cored and sliced
  • 1 cup of fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1 cup of fresh blueberries
  • 1 cup of fresh kiwi, peeled and sliced
  • 1/4 cup of fresh mint leaves, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice
  • 1/4 cup of honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
ALLERGENS: Strawberries, kiwi, honey


Step One

Begin by preparing the fruits. Core and slice the Macopa, hull and slice the strawberries, peel and slice the kiwi. Leave the blueberries as they are. Ensure all fruit pieces are around the same size for a consistent texture in each bite.

Step Two

Transfer the prepared fruits into a large salad bowl. Add in the chopped fresh mint leaves. The mint will provide a refreshing contrast to the sweet fruits.

Step Three

In a separate bowl, mix together the fresh lime juice, honey, and vanilla extract. This will serve as the dressing for the fruit salad. The lime juice will help to keep the fruit fresh, while the honey and vanilla will enhance the natural flavors of the fruit.

Step Four

Drizzle the dressing over the fruits and mint in the salad bowl. Toss the salad gently until all ingredients are well combined and evenly coated in the dressing.

Step Five

Let the salad sit for a few minutes before serving to allow the flavors to meld together. This Macopa Fruit Salad can be served immediately, or refrigerated and served chilled. Enjoy this deliciously refreshing dish!

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