Mahleb-infused Apricot Jam

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 45 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
320 1g 0g 83g
sugars fibre protein salt
79g 4g 2g 0.02g

One of the delights of my sunny California upbringing is the abundance of fresh produce, and this joy has followed me into my culinary journey. When I think of summer, my mind goes straight to the bright, ripe apricots of my childhood, and I’ve channeled that love into a sensational recipe – the Mahleb-infused Apricot Jam. It’s a delicious homage to sweet, sunny memories, amplified by the unique, almond-like flavor of Mahleb.

A delicious fusion of USA and the Mediterranean

Apricots, native to the Mediterranean, have been adopted and loved by us in America, much like myself with my three adopted children. Their tangy-sweet flavor goes beautifully with the exotic Mahleb, a spice native to the Middle East. This Mahleb-infused Apricot Jam recipe is my way of melting boundaries and tastes, bringing the world a bit closer on your breakfast toast.

This jam is a versatile spread. It sits perfectly on a slice of thick, whole-grain toast, and makes a delicious addition to a cheese platter. Can you imagine the pairing of savory Camembert cheese with this slightly tart, slightly sweet jam? I certainly can.

Mahleb-infused Apricot Jam

Health-consciousness meets comfort

There’s a reason why my West Coast roots and health-conscious nature guide my recipes. This jam, while deliciously comforting, is also packed full of health benefits. Apricots are a great source of essential vitamins, including vitamin A and C, and are packed with dietary fiber too. Plus, the use of Mahleb is not merely a flavor decision – it’s believed to have antioxidant properties. The addition of the lemon juice and zest not only brings a tangy freshness, but also contributes to the jam’s pectin, helping it set while also providing a dose of vitamin C.

Less processed sugars and natural ingredients make this Mahleb-infused Apricot Jam a delicious way to enjoy the comfort of home-cooking while reaping the benefits of nutritious, wholesome foods. Treasure it, savor it, and most importantly, share it.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 pounds of ripe apricots
  • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of grated lemon zest
  • 0.5 teaspoon of mahleb, ground
  • 1/4 cup of water


Step One

To begin with, you need to prepare the apricots. Wash them thoroughly under cold running water to remove any dirt or impurities. Once they are clean, cut the apricots in half and remove the stone.

Step Two

In a large and deep pot, combine the cut apricots with the granulated sugar. Stir the mixture until the apricots are well coated with sugar. Allow this mixture to sit for about an hour. This process is going to extract the natural juices from the apricots and help the sugar to dissolve.

Step Three

After the apricots have sat in sugar for an hour, add the 1/4 cup of water, lemon juice and grated lemon zest to the pot. Stir the contents well to combine them properly. Place the pot on the stove and turn the heat to medium.

Step Four

As the mixture comes to a boil, lower the heat and allow it to simmer. Stir the mixture frequently to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pot. After about 10-15 minutes of simmering, add the ground mahleb to the pot. The addition of mahleb will lend a lovely and unique flavor to the jam.

Step Five

Continue cooking the jam on a low heat until it thickens to your desired consistency. This could take anywhere between 30-60 minutes. Remember to stir occasionally during this time. Once it’s ready, remove the pot from the heat and allow the jam to cool.

Step Six

Once cooled, transfer the Mahleb-infused Apricot Jam to clean and sterile jars. Seal the jars tightly and store them in a cool, dark place. Your delicious and flavorful jam is ready to be used on toast, pancakes, yogurt or any other delight.

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