Mussels in Saffron Cream Sauce

Prep: 30 mins Cook: 20 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
415 17.8g 6.6g 24.3g
sugars fibre protein salt
1.5g 1.2g 24.6g 1.2g

Why I Love Canadian Mussels in Saffron Cream Sauce

<p>There’s something truly special about the creamy and indulgent <strong>Mussels in Saffron Cream Sauce</strong>. This Canadian gem is an absolute treasure that holds a firm spot in my ever-expanding repertoire of international culinary delights. </p>

<img src=”” alt=”Mussels in Saffron Cream Sauce”>

<h3>A Taste of Maritime Canada</h3>

<p>The Atlantic provinces of Canada, especially Prince Edward Island, is a goldmine of delectable seafood, renowned across the globe. Inspired by <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Chef Michael Smith</a>, a beloved culinary figure in Canada, this exquisite mussels dish oozes flavors that are comforting and sophisticated while showcasing the simplicity and quality of the beloved seafood.</p>

<h3>The Florality of Saffron Meets the Briny Depths</h3>

<p>Saffron, the golden thread harvested from the Crocus sativus flower, lends a floral note plus a depth and richness that complements the briny, oceanic flavor of mussels. When swirled together in a cream sauce, it’s a flavor pairing that sends your palate into tangible euphoria.</p>

<p>And anybody who knows me understands my love for rich and hearty sauces. As a champion of Afro-Southern fusion, I know a good, comforting sauce when I taste one, and this Saffron Cream Sauce is no exception. Its elegance and smoothness feels homely while being satisfyingly indulgent.</p>

<h3>How it Complements Other Dishes</h3>

<p>The beauty of <strong>Mussels in Saffron Cream Sauce</strong> is its versatility—it pairs wonderfully with various dishes. Try it alongside a green salad dressed with tart vinaigrette to contrast the creamy sauce or a serving of <a href=”” target=”_blank”>roasted potatoes flavored with garlic and rosemary</a>. And of course, you can’t ever go wrong with a robust <a href=”” target=”_blank”>French baguette</a> for dipping into the deliciousness of that saffron-imbued cream sauce. </p>

<p>Before I leave you to cook up this delightful recipe, here’s an insider’s tip – the ideal wine accompaniment to this dish is a crisp white. Perhaps a Canadian Chardonnay or a French Sauvignon Blanc. Happy cooking!</p>

What You’ll Need

  • 2 pounds fresh mussels
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 2 shallots, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon saffron threads
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 loaf crusty bread, for serving
  • Salt and pepper to taste
ALLERGENS: shellfish, milk, wheat


Step One

Begin by cleaning the mussels. Discard any mussels that are open and do not close when tapped. Rinse the remaining mussels under cold water, scrubbing off any dirt or debris. Remove the ‘beards’ from the mussels if they have any.

Step Two

In a large saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Once the butter is melted, add the finely chopped shallots and minced garlic. Cook, stirring often, for about 5 minutes or until they become translucent and fragrant.

Step Three

Add the white wine to the saucepan and bring to a simmer. Let it simmer for a few minutes until the wine has reduced slightly. After that, stir in the saffron threads and continue to cook for an additional minute.

Step Four

Add the mussels to the saucepan and cover with a lid. Cook for about 5-7 minutes or until the mussels have opened. Discard any mussels that have not opened.

Step Five

Lower the heat and stir in the heavy cream. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Continue to stir until the sauce is heated through. Sprinkle in the chopped parsley, reserving a bit for garnish if desired.

Step Six

Serve the mussels in bowls with plenty of the saffron cream sauce. Garnish with additional parsley, if you like. Have slices of the crusty bread on hand to soak up the delicious sauce. Enjoy!

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