Pennywort and Ginger Drink

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 20 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
200 0.1g 0g 52g
sugars fibre protein salt
50g 1g 0.4g 0.02g

As I sit in my Miami kitchen, dancing to the tropical rhythms of Cuban music, I often craft a variety of recipes that take me back to my roots. And the Pennywort and Ginger Drink is one of these delights that seamlessly blends my affinity for local Caribbean greens and my Spanish adepto amour to heartwarming infusions. Here, in this aromatic concoction, the allure of fresh pennywort leaves meets the heat of ginger spicing up the concoction in a rejuvenating dialogue of flavors.

Pennywort and Ginger Drink

The Magic of Pennywort

In the heart of this cultural elixir, we find the fresh, subtly sweet pennywort leaves sitting like small green umbrellas. Known for their bounty of health benefits, these leaves contribute remarkably to boosting mental performance, enhancing memory, raising antioxidant levels and promoting a healthier skin. This native of Asian wetlands has found its exotic flair dancing in my Caribbean-Spanish culinary junctions.

A Compliment to the Tropics

In the Pennywort and Ginger Drink, the humble pennywort leaves meet the fiery warmth of ginger. The zingy spice does not only elevate the tropical taste of the drink, it also offers substantial health benefits such as aiding digestion, reducing inflammation and fighting the flu and common cold. Summer afternoons in Miami call for this revitalizing drink that compliments these climes perfectly.

In addition to this delectable concoction, I love to serve a menu of traditional tapas, drawing from my Spanish heritage. This wholesome drink pairs up dreamily with dishes like Gambas al Ajillo, Patatas Bravas or even a classic Paella. Its refreshing notes cleanse the palate, making it an ideal accompaniment to the salty oceanic flavors of these Spanish treasures.

One thing is certain, whether you’re winding down after a salsa dance lesson or hosting a tropical themed get-together, this Pennywort and Ginger Drink will set the right tone. It’s more than a simple refreshment, it’s a celebration of my roots, a dance in a glass. ¡Salud!

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups fresh pennywort leaves
  • 5 cups water
  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar
  • 1.5 inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 6 slices of fresh lemon
  • 6 sprigs of fresh mint (optional, for garnish)
  • Ice cubes


Step One

Start by rinsing the pennywort leaves thoroughly. This will remove any dirt or impurities from the leaves. Set aside.

Step Two

In a large pot, bring the 5 cups of water to a boil. Once the water is boiling, add the pennywort leaves and ginger slices. Allow these ingredients to simmer for about 15 minutes.

Step Three

After 15 minutes, remove the pot from the heat. With a slotted spoon, remove the pennywort leaves and ginger slices from the water and discard. You should be left with a green-colored water.

Step Four

Return the pot to the heat, and add in the granulated sugar. Stir briskly until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water.

Step Five

Remove the mixture from the heat again and allow it to cool to room temperature.

Step Six

Once the mixture has cooled, you can pour it into a pitcher or individual glasses. Add a few ice cubes to each glass or the pitcher.

Step Seven

Garnish each drink with a fresh slice of lemon and a sprig of mint if you wish. Your refreshing pennywort and ginger drink is ready to serve! Enjoy it chilled on a hot day.

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