Pineberry Fruit Salad

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
105 0.5g 0g 27g
sugars fibre protein salt
20g 3g 1g 0.01g

There’s something incredibly refreshing about the Pineberry Fruit Salad. With every bite, you’re not merely tasting an exquisite blend of nature’s sweet bounty, but also walking the path of my culinary journey, drawing from the scents, colors and flavors that punctuated my Montana upbringing.

Image of Pineberry Fruit Salad

Inspiration Behind The Recipe

This fusion of fresh fruits and subtle sweeteners is my homage to the contrast of Montana’s vast landscapes – capturing the homeliness of rancher’s base and the mystique of Native American traditions in a bowl. The Pineberry Fruit Salad shares this harmony of seemingly contrasting elements, just like my indulgent buffalo burgers or the robust venison steaks, with a nod to the colorful huckleberry pies that satiate your sweet cravings at the end of a hearty meal.

A Symphony of Flavors and Health

But beyond the reminiscent significance, the Pineberry Fruit Salad is a true celebration of flavors – a melange of the tart pineberries and strawberries, the sweet grapes and kiwi, and the tropical allure of pineapple chunks. The harmony is further elevated by a zing of fresh lemon juice, drizzled with the comforting sweetness of honey.

This palate pleaser also brings an array of health benefits. Rich in a host of vitamins and antioxidants, each ingredient of this salad is a vibrant booster of health and duet of flavor. The pineberries, often compared to the white strawberries, pack a wallop of vitamin C. The strawberries, grapes and kiwis are loaded with antioxidants, while pineapple chunks add a wealth of vitamin C and manganese. A drizzle of honey not only ensures a pleasantly sweet profile but also pours in a dose of vital nutrients and antioxidants.

Possible Pairings

As for pairings, the Pineberry Fruit Salad shines independently but can effortlessly complement other dishes too. Imagine it accompanying a delicious portion of brandy-flamed peaches ‘n cream, or balancing the tastes of a grilled salmon with a Dijon dill sauce. Its vibrant colors and refreshing sweetness can cut through the richness of a red meat roast, making it an ideal partner to a roast beef with horseradish cream.

Above everything, creating the Pineberry Fruit Salad is a ritual of stirring together fruits and memories, infused with love.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups of fresh pineberries
  • 1 cup of sliced strawberries
  • 1/2 cup of sliced grapes
  • 2 kiwis, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup of fresh pineapple chunks
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Mint leaves for garnish (optional)
ALLERGENS: Strawberries, Kiwis, Pineapple, Honey


Step One

Start by preparing all your fruits. Slice the strawberries, grapes, kiwis and pineapple, and place them in a large bowl. The fresh pineberries can be added as a whole.

Step Two

Next, squeeze about 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and drizzle it over the mixed fruits. This will help to prevent the fruits from browning and will also add a fresh, citrusy kick to the salad.

Step Three

Drizzle 2 tablespoons of honey over the fruits. You can adjust the amount of honey based on your taste preference. If you prefer a less sweet fruit salad, you may use less honey.

Step Four

Then, use a spoon to gently stir the fruits until they are all evenly coated with the lemon juice and honey. Be careful not to stir too vigorously, as this could cause the fruits to become mushy and lose their shape.

Step Five

Once the fruits are all mixed together, place the bowl in the refrigerator and allow it to chill for at least an hour. This will allow the flavors to meld together and will also make the salad more refreshing.

Step Six

Before serving, you may choose to garnish the salad with some fresh mint leaves. This is optional, but it can add a nice pop of color and a touch of freshness to the dish.

Step Seven

Finally, serve the salad chilled and enjoy the vibrant flavors of the fresh fruits. This pineberry fruit salad is a refreshing, healthy, and delicious dish that is perfect for any occasion.

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