Roasted Beet and Hummus Wraps

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 45 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
300 15g 4g 34g
sugars fibre protein salt
7g 6g 10g 0.75g

Why I Love Saudi Arabian Roasted Beet and Hummus Wraps

Roasted Beet and Hummus Wraps

When I first experimented with this Roasted Beet and Hummus Wraps recipe, I was immediately transported out of my comfort zone in the Rocky Mountains and into the vibrant and aromatic world of Middle Eastern cuisine. These wraps have since become a beloved staple in my kitchen, and I am delighted to share my fondness for them with you.

Why Roasted Beets?

There’s something magically earthy and slightly sweet about roasted beets that truly elevates this dish. Roasting beets brings out their natural sugars and transforms them into tender, melt-in-your-mouth delights. It’s this method of preparation that seamlessly melds with the creamy hummus and tangy feta cheese, creating a balanced, flavorful experience that never fails to impress.

Hummus: The Heart of the Wrap

The smooth, creamy hummus is the cornerstone of this wrap, providing a luscious and healthy base that ties all the components together. Given its Middle Eastern origins, hummus is rich in protein and fiber, making these wraps not only delicious but also incredibly fulfilling. Drizzle a bit of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice, and you have a concoction that’s bursting with zest and flavor.

Inspired by chefs like Yotam Ottolenghi, who has mastered the art of incorporating Middle Eastern flavors into approachable recipes, these wraps are a testimony to the versatility and richness of this regional cuisine. Ottolenghi’s way of making simple, fresh ingredients shine has always resonated with me, and it’s a philosophy I strive to incorporate into my own culinary creations.

Complementary Dishes

If you’re planning a meal around these wraps, consider adding a dish like tabbouleh or a refreshing cucumber and tomato salad. Their crispiness and tanginess perfectly complement the hearty and creamy elements in the Roasted Beet and Hummus Wraps. For an additional protein boost, grilled chicken marinated with Middle Eastern spices can also make a stellar sidekick.

These wraps are not just a cooking experiment—they’re an homage to the rich diversity of flavors that our world has to offer. They’re also a nod to my love for hearty, satisfying meals that can stand up to the rugged lifestyle we lead in the Rocky Mountains, with more than a touch of culinary finesse influenced by my journeys beyond.

What You’ll Need


  • 6 large whole wheat tortillas
  • 3 medium-sized beets
  • 2 cups hummus
  • 1 cup crumbled feta cheese
  • 1 cup chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1 cup baby spinach leaves
  • 1 small red onion, thinly sliced
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


ALLERGENS: Wheat, sesame, dairy


Step One

Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).

Step Two

Wash the beets thoroughly and wrap them in aluminum foil. Place the wrapped beets on a baking sheet and roast in the preheated oven for about 45-60 minutes, or until they are tender when pierced with a fork.

Step Three

While the beets are roasting, prepare the other ingredients. Thinly slice the red onion, chop the fresh parsley, and shred the carrots if they are not pre-shredded.

Step Four

Once the beets are roasted, remove them from the oven and let them cool until they are comfortable to handle. Peel off the skins and slice the beets into thin rounds.

Step Five

In a small bowl, mix the olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper to taste. This will be the dressing for the wraps.

Step Six

Lay out the whole wheat tortillas on a clean surface. Spread a generous amount of hummus over each tortilla, leaving about an inch of space around the edges.

Step Seven

Evenly distribute the sliced beets, crumbled feta cheese, chopped fresh parsley, shredded carrots, baby spinach leaves, and thinly sliced red onions over each tortilla.

Step Eight

Drizzle the olive oil and lemon juice dressing over the filling ingredients in each tortilla.

Step Nine

Carefully roll up each tortilla, starting from one edge and tucking in the sides as you go, to form a wrap.

Step Ten

Cut each wrap in half if desired, and serve immediately. Enjoy your Roasted Beet and Hummus Wraps!

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