Scrambled Eggs with Celery Seed

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 15 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
210 15g 5g 2g
sugars fibre protein salt
1g 0g 14g 0.6g

As a native Texan, breakfast has always held a special meaning for me. I fondly remember waking up to the aroma of my Mom’s scrambled eggs wafting from the kitchen. The recipe I want to share with you today brings back these memories so vividly. It’s a flavorful, fruit-based delight called Scrambled Eggs with Celery Seed. Now, you may be thinking, “Fruit? In scrambled eggs?” Trust me. The blend of sweetness and savory with a hint of celery is masterful. I’m excited to introduce you to this wholesome magic in a breakfast plate!

Scrambled Eggs with Celery Seed

The Magic of Celery Seed

Bursting with a bouquet of flavors, celery seed is the unsung hero in this dish. Often overlooked in the spice aisle, it lends a uniquely comforting aroma and a slight crunch to your breakfast eggs, distinguishing this dish from the ubiquitous scrambled egg recipes. According to WebMD, celery seed also carries potential health benefits, such as lowering inflammation and blood pressure. So, not only do you get to enjoy a delicious meal, but also a nutritious one.

Harmonious Breakfast Pairing

While the Scrambled Eggs with Celery Seed hold their own due to the flavor-packed experience, they’re also versatile enough to work well with differing sides, much like how I enjoy fusing traditional Southern recipes with a modern twist. Pair them with Texas-style refried beans for a heartier breakfast or serve them with a light, refreshing mixed fruit salad for a delightful contrast.

Fresh Twists on Tradition

I’m continually inspired by the rich culinary traditions of my Southern roots to reinvent and experiment. Scrambled Eggs with Celery Seed is a nod to those memories, the hominess of breakfast time, and my love for a fusion of flavors. It incorporates mild, familiar ingredients like eggs and milk and pairs them with the unusual choice of a fruit-based component and the earthy pungency of celery seeds. With each bite, this delightful dish invites you to taste something reminiscent and yet, uniquely different.

So the next time you’re seeking a deliciously different breakfast inspiration, look no further than these Scrambled Eggs with Celery Seed. Here’s to good health, wholesome flavors, and breakfast memories!

What You’ll Need

  • 12 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon celery seed
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons butter


Step One

First, crack open the 12 large eggs into a large bowl.

Step Two

Next, add the 1/2 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of celery seed, and salt and pepper to taste into the bowl with the eggs.

Step Three

Using a whisk, beat the egg mixture until it is well mixed and the yolks are broken up.

Step Four

Then, melt the 2 tablespoons of butter in a non-stick pan over medium heat.

Step Five

Once the butter is melted and the pan is heated, pour the egg mixture into the pan.

Step Six

Cook the eggs, stirring constantly, until they are scrambled to your desired level of doneness.

Step Seven

Finally, remove the pan from the heat and serve the scrambled eggs while hot. Enjoy your Scrambled Eggs with Celery Seed!

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