Spicy Gusô Soup

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
60 0.5g 0.1g 15g
sugars fibre protein salt
12g 2g 1g 0.02g

Bowl of Spicy Gusô Soup

There’s something incredibly invigorating about the perfect balance of sweet and spicy in the Spicy Gusô Soup. Combining the succulent sweetness of watermelon, mango, pineapple, and strawberries with the fiery kick of jalapeño and the refreshing zing of fresh ginger, this soup creates a sensation that is both refreshing and satisfying. The first time I made it, it took me back to those sunny afternoons at the shore in New Jersey, basking in the heat while craving something to cool me down but still packed with flavor.

Each ingredient in Spicy Gusô Soup brings its unique touch, making it not just a dish but an experience. The watermelon, rich in vitamins A, B6, and C, along with the antioxidants found in strawberries, helps boost the immune system. Pineapple adds a dose of digestion-friendly bromelain, while mangoes contribute a good amount of fiber and vitamin A. Combined with the hydrating properties of coconut water, this soup becomes a health powerhouse. And let’s not forget the gentle heat from the jalapeño, which can help boost metabolism and digestion.

The Art of Balancing Flavors

One thing I love most about Spicy Gusô Soup is the sheer artistry in balancing its flavors. The ingredients might seem unconventional at first glance, but trust me, this combination works wonders. The fresh lime juice cuts through the sweetness, offering a refreshing acidity, while the honey adds a subtle depth without overpowering the natural flavors of the fruits. The cilantro brings in an earthy, herbaceous note, tying everything together beautifully.

Perfect Pairings

This soup is versatile and can be enjoyed on its own as a light, refreshing starter or paired with other dishes for a more substantial meal. Try serving it alongside a grilled chicken salad or even a spicy shrimp skewer. It also wonderfully complements Mexican-inspired dishes like soft tacos or ceviche, adding an unexpected twist to your summer cookouts.

Moreover, if you are a fan of gazpacho or fruit-based salads, this soup will definitely be up your alley. It shares a similar concept of refreshing, raw goodness with its chilled and blended ingredients, making it a fantastic option for those hot summer days when you want something cool but bursting with flavor.

Looking for more inspiration on creative summer recipes? Check out these 50 Summer Salads or explore the world of fruity soups with these Chilled Summer Soups from some of my favorite recipe sources.

Whether you’re seeking a nutritious, refreshing soup or a delightful starter for your next gathering, Spicy Gusô Soup immerses you in a symphony of flavors that both surprise and delight. It’s become one of my go-to recipes when I want to bring a taste of summer to the table, and I’m sure it will do the same for you.

What You’ll Need

  • 3 cups watermelon, cubed
  • 2 cups mango, diced
  • 1 cup pineapple, chopped
  • 1 cup strawberries, sliced
  • 1 medium jalapeño, finely chopped
  • 1 small red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 2 cups coconut water
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
ALLERGENS: Strawberries, Honey


Step One

In a large mixing bowl, combine the cubed watermelon, diced mango, chopped pineapple, and sliced strawberries.

Step Two

Add the finely chopped jalapeño and red onion to the fruit mixture. Stir gently to combine.

Step Three

Grate the fresh ginger and add it to the bowl along with the fresh lime juice, coconut water, and honey. Mix well.

Step Four

Cover the bowl and refrigerate the soup for at least 1 hour to allow the flavors to meld together.

Step Five

Before serving, stir in the freshly chopped cilantro. Serve chilled and enjoy your Spicy Gusô Soup!

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