Steamed Miner’s Lettuce with Olive Oil and Salt

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 15 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
110 5g 1g 10g
sugars fibre protein salt
2g 2g 3g 0.6g

I can’t help but bring a sense of my Nebraska roots each time I present a new recipe, and the Steamed Miner’s Lettuce with Olive Oil and Salt is no exception. It’s one of those simple, unpretentious dishes that sing of fresh produce and honest cooking, reminding me of late springs and early summers on the plains. Wrapped in a warm nostalgia, this tender leafy delicacy makes a culinary canvas that takes me back home every time I prepare it. And trust me, as hearty as corn casseroles and beef stews are, there’s nothing quite as refreshing and rejuvenating as a light, healthy dish like this one.

Steamed Miner's Lettuce with Olive Oil and Salt

A Healthy Vegetable Dish

Miner’s Lettuce, or Claytonia perfoliata as it’s scientifically referred to, is a green that’s not only delicious but chock-full of health benefits. It’s rich in Vitamin C, making it a great immune booster. Plus, its high mineral content, including iron and potassium, contributes to overall wellness. Pair that with the heart-healthy benefits of extra virgin olive oil, a touch of sea salt for balance, and lemon juice, boosting those antioxidant levels, and you’ve got yourself a recipe that’s as good to your body as it is to your palate.

Pairing the Steamed Miner’s Lettuce

While delightful on its own, the Steamed Miner’s Lettuce with Olive Oil and Salt recipe pairs incredibly well with various dishes. Echo its hearty simplicity with a crispy-skinned roasted chicken or amp up the flavors by accompanying it with a robust dish like pan-seared salmon. Those who draw parallels between this and classic Spanish spinach aren’t far off the mark. What sets this recipe apart, however, is its celebration of the miner’s lettuce’s unique flavor, an homage to good, clean, farm-to-table cooking.

Whether you’re a seasoned cook, a novice in the kitchen, or someone just wanting a new healthy recipe to try, this Steamed Miner’s Lettuce with Olive Oil and Salt is a joy to make and a treat to consume.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 bunches of Miner’s lettuce (approximately 6 cups)
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon kosher or sea salt
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 lemons (for juice and zest)


Step One

Start by thoroughly washing and cleaning the Miner’s lettuce. Drain the water and pat them dry.

Step Two

In a large steamer or pot, bring 1 cup of water to boil.

Step Three

Place the Miner’s lettuce in the steamer and cover the pot. If you don’t have a steamer, you can use a wide, shallow pan with a lid. You can place a metal sieve inside the pan to steam the lettuce. Let it steam for about 2 to 3 minutes.

Step Four

While the lettuce is being steamed, squeeze out the juice from the lemons and grate the zest. Set them aside.

Step Five

After the lettuce has been steamed, gently remove them from the steamer and transfer to a large bowl. Be careful not to break or squash the leaves.

Step Six

Drizzle the steamed Miner’s lettuce with extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, and sprinkle with kosher or sea salt. Toss gently to evenly coat the lettuce.

Step Seven

Serve the Steamed Miner’s Lettuce with a garnishing of the grated lemon zest on top. Enjoy this healthy and delicious vegan meal.

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