Stir-Fried Basil with Pineapple

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 15 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
365 16g 3g 24g
sugars fibre protein salt
11g 2.5g 37g 1.93g

Why I Love Thai Stir-Fried Basil with Pineapple

Stir-Fried Basil with Pineapple There’s nothing like a flavorful and vibrant dish to set your palate on a journey, and Stir-Fried Basil with Pineapple does just that. This Thai recipe bursts with sweet and spicy flavors that remind me of the diverse culinary scene of my hometown, New York City.

A Tasteful Unison of International Flavors

New York City is a melting pot of cultures and cuisines, and I’ve always aimed to capture this diversity in my dishes. Just as the city seamlessly blends the old with the new, the familiar with the exotic, this Stir-Fried Basil with Pineapple brings together delicious ingredients in a unique and flavorful combination. The recipe was inspired by the techniques of renowned Thai Chef
Tummy, who integrates traditional and modern elements in his dishes. In this recipe, the warmth of the Thai bird chilies interacts beautifully with the crisp freshness of the pineapple, while the garlic and basil add layers of complexity. All these flavors coexist harmoniously, much like the diverse communities that make up NYC.

A Recipe for All Seasons

What I love about this recipe is its versatility. You can whip it up on a lazy Sunday afternoon or for a special weeknight dinner. This dish will impress your guests and yet, it’s simple enough to make for an intimate family meal. With the right balance of savory, sweet, and spicy, it’s a crowd-pleaser you’ll find yourself reaching for throughout all seasons.

The Stir-Fried Basil with Pineapple reminds me of other Asian favorites like Sweet and Sour Chicken, which also features a delightful face-off between tangy and sweet. However, our recipe steps it up a notch with the unique addition of Thai bird chilies (adjustable to taste, of course), and aromatic Thai basil. This dish goes perfectly with steamed white rice and could also be served alongside a light Thai Cucumber Salad for a complete meal.

As a stage actor, I often find myself needing a quick, rewarding meal after a long day of rehearsals, and the Stir-Fried Basil with Pineapple delivers. It’s a dish that never fails to bring a touch of the exotic to our quiet, homely dinners. Regardless of whether you’re introduced to these flavors for the first time or a fan of Thai cuisine, I’m confident this recipe will secure a place in your culinary repertoire just as it has in mine.

What You’ll Need

  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
  • 2 pounds chicken breast, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup fresh pineapple, chopped
  • 2 medium-sized onions, thinly sliced
  • 6 Thai bird chilies, sliced and de-seeded (optional)
  • 2 cups Thai basil leaves
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • White rice for serving
ALLERGENS: Garlic, Soy, Fish


Step One

Heat the vegetable oil in a large wok over medium-high heat. Once hot, add the chopped garlic and stir-fry for about 30 seconds until it’s golden and fragrant.

Step Two

Add in the thinly sliced red bell pepper to the wok, and continue stirring for another 1-2 minutes until the pepper starts to soften.

Step Three

Add the thinly sliced chicken breast to the wok. Stir-fry the chicken with the garlic and red bell pepper until it’s fully cooked, about 5-6 minutes.

Step Four

Add the chopped pineapple, thinly sliced onions, and Thai bird chilies to the wok. Stir everything together well and continue to cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Step Five

Next, add in the Thai basil leaves and stir well to combine. Cook for another minute until the basil starts to wilt.

Step Six

In a small bowl, mix together the soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, salt, and fish sauce. Pour this sauce over the stir-fry in the wok and mix well to combine. Cook for another 2-3 minutes until everything is well-coated and heated through.

Step Seven

Remove the wok from the heat and serve the Stir-Fried Basil with Pineapple over white rice. Enjoy!

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