Strawberry Papaya Salad Recipe

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
141 5g 0.7g 26g
sugars fibre protein salt
19g 5g 2g 0.01g

As a gourmet guru, I’m here to share a delightful culinary experience that you will want to repeat. Today’s spotlight is on a healthy favorite of mine: the Strawberry Papaya Salad Recipe. Now, you might not exactly consider this dish an embodiment of the rugged, wild Colorado cuisine I’m known for, but it’s a refreshing deviation from my regular fare that’s still inspired by nature’s bountiful gifts.

Strawberry Papaya Salad Recipe

Nature’s Candy in a Bowl

This vibrant melange of fresh fruit not only pleases the taste buds, but it’s also nutritionally balanced. The Strawberry Papaya Salad Recipe is particularly dear to me due to its blend of sweetness from the ripe strawberries and papaya, the velvety creaminess of avocado, and the refreshing yet delicate tang from the lime juice—all harmonized with a drizzle of honey. Plus, the addition of mint leaves not only gives it a whimsical flourish but also a fresh kick.

Why it’s Not Just another Fruit Salad

What distinguishes this salad from others is not only its enviable balance of flavor, texture and color, but also the nutrient-rich ingredients like papaya which are high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Meanwhile, strawberries offer heart health benefits according to the American Heart Association, and avocados are lauded for their good fats, making it good for your skin and heart. The ultimate highlight is the ‘dressing,’ a mix of fresh lime juice and honey, both known for their healthful benefits

With this recipe, you won’t be just satiating your cravings, you’ll also be supplementing your diet with a hearty serving of nature’s best. While the recipe might sound similar to a tropical fruit salad, the addition of avocado gives it a richer flavor profile that pairs well with any kind of grilled dish or even your favorite fresh trout recipe (a classic, Gordon loves my Grilled Lime Herb Fish).

The Strawberry Papaya Salad Recipe, while not exactly reminiscent of the robust, hearty mountain meals that I usually love, perfectly captures the essence of Colorado’s natural beauty in its fresh, vibrant, and healthy ingredients. Whether you’re needing a refreshing palate cleanser, a light meal or just want to enjoy the sweet and tangy flavors of summer, this salad hits the spot!

What You’ll Need

  • 1 large ripe papaya
  • 2 cups of fresh strawberries
  • 1 large ripe avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • Mint leaves for garnish
ALLERGENS: The recipe may contain allergens to: strawberries, avocado, honey.


Step One

Peel the papaya, remove the seeds and cut it into cubes. Place the cubes in a large serving bowl.

Step Two

Hull the strawberries and cut them into halves. If the strawberries are large, you can cut them into quarters. Add the strawberries to the bowl with papaya.

Step Three

Peel the avocado and remove the pit. Cut the avocado into cubes, similar in sized to the papaya cubes. Add the avocado to the serving bowl.

Step Four

In a small bowl, combine the fresh lime juice and honey. Stir until they’re well combined and the honey has completely dissolved in the lime juice.

Step Five

Pour the lime juice and honey mixture over the fruits in the serving bowl. Toss gently until all the fruits are coated with the dressing.

Step Six

Garnish with fresh mint leaves before serving. Enjoy your fresh Strawberry Papaya Salad!

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