
  • Barberry and Cinnamon Tea

    Barberry and Cinnamon Tea

    Warm up with Barberry and Cinnamon Tea: steep dried barberries and a cinnamon stick in hot water, then sweeten with honey. A tangy, spicy comfort in a cup!

  • Cheesy Green Pepper and Cornbread Casserole

    Cheesy Green Pepper and Cornbread Casserole

    Savor the blend of zesty green peppers and sweet cornbread in our Cheesy Green Pepper and Cornbread Casserole—an irresistible twist on classic comfort food!

  • Dulse Seaweed Pesto

    Dulse Seaweed Pesto

    Elevate your pasta with Dulse Seaweed Pesto: blend fresh basil, garlic, lemon, dulse seaweed, toasted nuts, and olive oil for a nutritious, umami-packed twist.

  • Thai Basil Chicken Soup

    Thai Basil Chicken Soup

    Savor the exotic flavors of Thai Basil Chicken Soup, infused with tender chicken, fresh Thai basil, coconut milk, lime juice, and a hint of spicy chili. A zestful delight!

  • Spicy Szechuan Style Chinese Artichokes

    Spicy Szechuan Style Chinese Artichokes

    Experience explosive flavors with Spicy Szechuan Style Chinese Artichokes, a vibrant dish infused with garlic, ginger, and zesty Szechuan peppercorns. Elevate your veggie game!

  • Chicken Rezala

    Chicken Rezala

    Experience the rich, creamy flavors of Indian Chicken Rezala with tender chicken simmered in a yogurt-based, nut-infused white gravy spiced with cardamom and clove.

  • Cornish Pasty

    Cornish Pasty

    For a traditional Cornish pasty, fill shortcrust pastry with a mix of beef, onion, swede, and potato. Seal, crimp the edges, and bake until golden brown.

  • Wormwood Pesto

    Wormwood Pesto

    Discover the unique blend of flavors in our Wormwood Pesto, combining fresh basil, fruity notes, and a hint of bitterness for a truly memorable dish!

  • Mandarine Smoothie

    Mandarine Smoothie

    Indulge in a refreshing Mandarine Smoothie: blend sweet mandarins, creamy yogurt, a splash of honey, and a hint of vanilla for a zesty, invigorating treat.

  • 10 Spicy and Delicious Cayenne Pepper Recipes to Ignite Your Taste Buds

    10 Spicy and Delicious Cayenne Pepper Recipes to Ignite Your Taste Buds

    Spice up your kitchen adventures with these 10 delectable recipes featuring the fiery, yet flavorful, cayenne pepper! Perfect for heat connoisseurs.

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