10 Delicious Tangerine Recipes

All About Tangerines


Tangerines are dazzlingly bright, pebbled-skinned, delectably sweet and aromatic fruits that capture the essence of citrus in every bite. Delicacies aside, bountiful reasons exist affirming why tangerines should be included in your daily diet. An integral element of the citrus family, tangerines are crammed with several nutrients offering an array of health benefits.

A Closer Look At The Nutrient-Rich Tangerine

Tangerines are typically smaller and more sweeter than their citrus cousin, the orange. They are less acidic and boast a stronger aroma which is enjoyed in various culinary delights. They house a treasure trove of antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and B-vitamins. Tangerines also contain relatively healthy doses of other minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and folate, which contribute to overall health and wellbeing.[1]

Boosting Your Health with Tangerines

Sweet and succulent tangerines are not merely fruits with a gorgeous hue and irresistible aroma. They are a citrus powerhouse packed with immense health benefits. Here’s how munching on these sunshine-lit orbs can give your health a remarkable boost:

  • Packed with Vitamin C: Known for being a potent antioxidant, Vitamin C aids in battling harmful free radicals in the body. Regular consumption of vitamin C can aid in reinforcing the immune system and maintaining skin health. Tangerine’s high vitamin C content can contribute significantly to fulfilling your daily nutritional requirement.
  • Rich in Fiber: Consuming fiber-rich fruits like tangerines can help in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It is known to aid indigestion, prevent constipation, and help in maintaining optimum gut health.
  • Heart-friendly: Tangerines contain flavonoids that help in reducing inflammation and maintaining heart health. Potassium, present in the tangerine, aids in moderating blood pressure, thus helping keep the heart healthy.

From boosting immunity, skin health to contributing to heart health, this humble fruit’s comprehensive bounty offers multiple health advantages. So next time you’re in the fruit aisle, make room in your basket for some tangerines, nature’s small packets of big wellness!

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