What Can You Cook With Tarragon?

Everything You Need to Know About Tarragon


A Brief Intro to Tarragon

Tarragon, a perennial herb from the sunflower family, is a culinary decorative plant that is native to wide areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Famously used in French cuisine, Tarragon is known for its aromatic leaves that are rich in oils, giving a distinctively sharp and slightly bitter taste. The herb is also recognized by several names including ‘Artemisia Dracunculus,’ Dragon Sagewort and Estragon.

The Historic Origins and Use of Targaron

The use of Tarragon dates back to ancient times. Historical records show that the Greeks cultivated Tarragon as early as 500 B.C. Through the centuries, it found its way to France, via Asia and the Middle East.

In traditional French cuisine, it’s one of the famous ‘fines herbes’ and is considered an integral part of many traditional recipes including the well-known Bearnaise sauce. It’s also a spice of choice for various dishes in Spain, Italy and other Mediterranean cuisines (source).

The herb’s versatility extends beyond just the kitchen. Historically, people have also used Tarragon for medicinal purposes. It was believed to cure everything from toothaches to the plague, particularly by ancient Romans and Greeks (source).

The Health Benefits of Tarragon

Turns out the ancients might have been onto something. Modern science has shown that Tarragon may indeed have some profound health benefits. Among them, Tarragon is a rich source of Vitamins A and C, and also contains trace amounts of minerals like calcium and potassium.

Rather remarkably, it has also been found to help stimulate the appetite, aid in the digestion process and may have certain anti-inflammatory properties (source).

Of course, as is the case with any herb or spice, one should not overly rely on it for their nutritional needs. But it’s certainly a delightful addition that contributes positively to one’s dietary intake while adding a unique flavor palate to dishes.

Tarragon Recipe Ideas

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