Traditional English Medlar Cheese Recipe

Prep: 30 mins Cook: 2 hours Difficulty: Moderate Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
560 5g 3g 128g
sugars fibre protein salt
118g 9g 1g 0.03g

Hello there, I’m Sofia, your Gourmet Guru, and I’ve been in love with the Traditional English Medlar Cheese Recipe ever since I first tasted it. Although I’m well known for my vibrant Tex-Mex dishes inspired by my Texas upbringing, this sweet, aromatic delight has become a staple in my recipe repertoire. It’s not traditional southern fare, but it is a delicious way to enjoy medlar, an underrated fruit that deserves much more attention.

An Underrated Star: The Medlar

Medlars may not be as well known as apples or oranges, but these small, russet-colored fruits have a mild apple-like flavor that makes them perfect for making a sweet and tangy cheese. This fruit is not only appetizing but it’s also brimming with nutrients. Medlar is rich in vitamin C, fiber, and anti-inflammatory properties, making the cheese not only delicious but also healthy.

A Recipe with History and Health

The Traditional English Medlar Cheese Recipe is steeped in history, having its roots traced back to the middle Ages. It’s primarily made with medlars, lemon juice, sugar, and a slice of butter. It’s similar to apple or pear cheese and is perfect served alongside a cheese platter or paired with crumbly, buttery scones and a pot of tea.

This timeless recipe is also a healthier option when compared to more sugar-laden fruit spreads. It’s a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without overindulging, and it includes the health benefits of lemons, which are a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants that boost your immune system. That said, making this not only a delicious treat but one that’s good for your overall health-

While the Traditional English Medlar Cheese Recipe might seem a little out of place amidst my more Southern-inspired dishes, it’s a testament to my love of trying out diverse cuisines and giving less-known foods the spotlight they deserve. This is why I fell in love with the recipe, and why I believe you will too.

Once you’ve indulged in this English classic, I encourage you to revisit my other recipes that weave flavors from around the world into Southern favorites. You’ll find that food, like the joy it brings, knows no boundaries.

What You’ll Need

  • 2.5 lbs of ripe medlars
  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 tbsp of lemon juice
  • 1.25 lbs of granulated sugar
  • 1 small slice of butter
  • 6 sterilized jars


Step One

First, prepare the medlars by cutting them in half and removing the seeds. Take your time to do this properly as the seeds can affect the overall texture and flavor of the cheese. Once cleaned, put the medlar pulp into a large saucepan.

Step Two

Add the 2 cups of water to the saucepan with the medlars. Bring this to a gentle simmer over medium heat. Allow it to cook until the medlars are soft and pulpy. This could take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the ripeness of the medlars.

Step Three

Once the medlars have softened, add the 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and stir well. The acid from the lemon juice will help to extract the pectin from the medlars and allow the cheese to set properly.

Step Four

In a separate bowl, weigh out 1.25 lbs of granulated sugar. Slowly add this to the saucepan, stirring constantly to ensure that the sugar is completely dissolved. Continue to carefully stir the mixture until it begins to thicken.

Step Five

Once the mixture has thickened significantly, add the small slice of butter. The butter helps to dissolve any foam that may have formed during the cooking process, giving your medlar cheese a smoother, glossier finish.

Step Six

Cook the mixture at a low simmer until it is thick and creamy, much like a thick applesauce. This can take anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. Make sure to stir it occasionally to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the saucepan.

Step Seven

Finally, carefully ladle the hot medlar cheese into your sterilized jars while it is still hot. Wipe any spills on the rims of the jars, then immediately seal them tightly. Allow the jars to cool completely before storing them in a cool, dark place.

Step Eight

Your Traditional English Medlar Cheese is now ready to enjoy! Remember to refrigerate any opened jars and try to use them within a month for the best flavor.

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