10 Delicious Ugli fruit Recipes

All About Ugli fruits

Often discarded for its unusual name and peculiar exterior, the Ugli fruit is frequently passed by in the grocery store. This Jamaican tangelo, however, is a hidden gem within the citrus family that packs a punch when it comes to health benefits and taste.

Ugli fruit

A peek into the Ugli fruit

Native to Jamaica, the Ugli fruit or Ugli tangelo, is a cross between a grapefruit, an orange, and a tangerine. It got its unusual name from its crudely wrinkled, thick and ungainly skin that hides its juicy treasure inside. Don’t be tricked by the unattractive exterior; inside, you’ll find sweet, tangy, and wonderfully juicy flesh often compared to honeyed tangerines. The Ugli fruit usually has few seeds, making it an easy and delectable addition to your fruit salad.

The Ugli Fruit’s Nutritional Benevolence

Aside from its unique taste, the Ugli fruit is loaded with numerous health benefits. This wonderful fruit is an excellent source of dietary fiber, promoting healthy digestion and aiding weight loss goals. The fiber content helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, thereby improving heart health and reducing the risk of heart disease.

The Ugli fruit is also packed with vitamin C, an essential vitamin known to boost immunity. A single serving of Ugli fruit can provide 70% of your daily recommended intake of vitamin C, promoting a healthier immune system and glowing skin. Meanwhile, its calcium content contributes to strong bones and teeth, making this Jamaican tangelo a powerhouse of nutrition.

Savory Ugli Fruit Recipes

While the Ugli fruit can be peeled and eaten raw, it also adds an interesting twist to various recipes. It is widely used in Jamaican cuisine, where it’s juiced, made into jams, or tossed into salads. The tart and sweet pulp pairs well with heavy cream-based desserts if you’re looking to add an unique citrus flavor. You can explore some of these delicious recipes here.

In Conclusion

It’s time to look beyond the wrinkled, unappealing exterior and explore the gem that is the Ugli fruit. While it may not be the most beautiful fruit on the tree, its health benefits and taste are surely worth the adventure. Give it a try on your next grocery visit, and you’ll agree that the Ugli fruit is truly beautiful on the inside.

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