Wintergreen Berry Syrup

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 20 mins – 25 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
221 0.2g 0g 56.9g
sugars fibre protein salt
56.2g 1.2g 0.3g 0.01g

Oh, the allure of the Wintergreen Berry Syrup. There’s something incredibly satisfying about blending fresh, ripe wintergreen berries with just the right amount of sugar, water, lemon juice, and that touch of vanilla. Crafting this delightful concoction connects me to my roots, marrying the sweetness of my Southern upbringing with the vibrant tastes of West Africa that pepper my culinary repertoire.

Wintergreen Berry Syrup

Food Fusion at Its Best

This syrup is unique, a bridging flavor that melds together my fondness for the deep-green American South, my parent’s Nigerian roots, and my own culinary adventures. The West African palate loves its tart, tropical berries and the South embraces anything slow-simmered and sweet. This recipe does both.

The wintergreen berry, while not as commonly used as other fruits, sings here in a way few other fruits can. It adds an edge of tartness accompanied by a slightly minty twist, making this syrup a fantastic, eclectic addition to your kitchen creations.

Health and Balance

Did you know that wintergreen berries are rich in antioxidants? Moreover, the lemon juice flits in, not just as a taste equalizer, but also as a source of vitamin C—a bonus. This syrup spells more than just sweetness. It serves up a healthful advantage, making a dish that not only tastes amazing but also contributes positively to your wellbeing.

While it can be an adventure trying to balance life as a lawyer, a partner, and a food enthusiast, making Wintergreen Berry Syrup is one of those tasks that brings me immense joy. It’s an activity that connects me with nature, my roots, and my penchant for wholesome, homemade food.

Poured over pancakes or waffles, integrated into a cocktail recipe, or drizzled over a scoop of ginger ice cream, this versatile syrup will elevate any dish. It’s flavors will transport you to another world – an Afro-Southern world that I adore and live every day.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups of fresh Wintergreen Berries
  • 1 1/2 cups of white granulated Sugar
  • 1 cup of Water
  • 1 tbsp of fresh Lemon Juice
  • 1/2 tsp of Vanilla Extract


Step One

Begin by washing the wintergreen berries thoroughly. Set them aside to dry.

Step Two

In a medium-sized saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Gradually add the sugar, stirring continuously until it fully dissolves.

Step Three

Once the sugar has dissolved, add the wintergreen berries to the saucepan. Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover the saucepan, and let the mixture cook for about 15-20 minutes.

Step Four

After the berries have cooked, use a potato masher or a fork to mash the berries in the saucepan, releasing their juice. Continue to simmer for another 10 minutes.

Step Five

Remove the pan from the heat. Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean jar or bottle, making sure to press the pulp to get all the juice.

Step Six

Once you have separated the juice from the pulp, return the juice to the pan and place it over medium heat. Add the lemon juice and vanilla extract to the pan, stirring well to combine.

Step Seven

Allow the mixture to simmer for an additional 5-10 minutes, or until the syrup has thickened to your desired consistency.

Step Eight

Remove the syrup from the heat and allow it to cool before storing in a clean, airtight container in the refrigerator. The syrup can be used immediately or stored for up to two weeks. Enjoy your homemade Wintergreen Berry Syrup!

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