Wormwood Scrambled Eggs: A breakfast dish that incorporates finely chopped Wormwood leaves into scrambled eggs.

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 15 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
250 18g 6g 2g
sugars fibre protein salt
1g 1g 13g 0.4g

With an undying love for a brilliant breakfast, I’ve always been on the hunt for intriguing, new twists on timeless meals. Enter Wormwood Scrambled Eggs. This captivating dish, though miles away from my New England seafood roots, adds an unexpected charm to our morning table, with a zesty, almost bitter note that tingles the taste buds. What started as a humble curiosity soon sailed into becoming one of my all-time favorite recipes.

Wormwood Scrambled Eggs

Nautical to Nutritional Journey

Coming from a culinary background deeply sunk into the heart of the Atlantic ocean, the concept of using wormwood, an earthy herb used widely in traditional medicine, may seem off-chart. But the beauty of food lies in its constant evolution, and my family’s tastebuds have savored the journey from the salty sea breeze to the green pastures of landlocked herbs. Interestingly, wormwood is not only delicious, but also holds an array of health benefits including aids in digestion and strengthening the immune system.

The Core Taste Experience

The essence of Wormwood Scrambled Eggs lies in the way they bridge the seemingly vast divide between the robust, familiar comfort of scrambled eggs and the bold, atypical flavors of wormwood. The moment those tender eggs hit the hot pan, everything starts to pull together into a truly unexpected delight. This recipe reinvents scrambled eggs into a dish that makes mornings brighter.

If you’ve enjoyed adventurous breakfasts like Huevos Rancheros or Shakshuka, you’ll find the flavors inherent in these wormwood-kissed eggs equally courageous. Additionally, these scrambled eggs hold their own amongst other bold dishes, be it a crunchy hash brown casserole, or a smoky side of bacon.

Daring yet delightful, this dish is paving the path for more culinary adventures. Where the sea meets the soil, where comfort clings to boldness, that’s where you find the beauty of Wormwood Scrambled Eggs.

What You’ll Need

  • 12 Large Eggs
  • 1/2 Cup Milk
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter
  • 1 Cup finely chopped Wormwood Leaves
  • Salt, to taste
  • Pepper, to taste
ALLERGENS: Eggs, Milk, Butter


Step One

Firstly, crack all 12 large eggs into a bowl. Whisk them until the yolks and whites are thoroughly combined.

Step Two

Next, add 1/2 cup of milk to the whisked eggs. Stir them well until they are completely combined. This will make your scrambled eggs creamier.

Step Three

Now, melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Let it heat until the butter completely melts, but make sure not to burn it.

Step Four

After the butter has melted, add the 1 cup of finely chopped wormwood leaves into the skillet. Stir it all together until the leaves are wilted.

Step Five

Once the wormwood leaves are wilted, slowly pour in the egg and milk mixture. Let it cook undisturbed until the eggs just start to set around the edges, this should take about 1-2 minutes.

Step Six

Start to gently stir and fold the eggs from the edges to the center. Let it cook for another 3 minutes while continuously folding and stirring the eggs.

Step Seven

Season the scrambled eggs with salt and pepper to your taste. Continue to cook while stirring until the eggs are mostly cooked but still slightly runny.

Step Eight

Finally, remove the skillet from heat and let it sit for a minute. The residual heat will finish cooking the eggs to a soft, creamy consistency. Now, your wormwood scrambled eggs are ready to serve and enjoy, for a unique and flavorful breakfast.

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