Japanese Plum Wine

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 40 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
300 0g 0g 40g
sugars fibre protein salt
35g 1g 0g 0g

Every sip I take of this Japanese Plum Wine, crafted with love and care, reminds me of the delightful fusion of different cultures and flavors that I’ve been fortunate to experience in my culinary journey. This particular recipe holds a special place in my heart, not just for its refreshing burst of flavor, but also for how it symbolizes the fusion of my upbringing in Boston and my fondness for unique global recipes.

This Japanese Plum Wine is more than just a delightful drink; it’s a dance of tradition and modern culinary adventures, echoing my Irish roots, New England upbringing, and my deep interest in international cuisine.

The Beauty of Simplicity

The best dishes, I believe, aren’t always the most complex ones. Indeed, the Japanese Plum Wine that I often find myself returning to is a stark example of this. It’s a simple dish, rich with the sweetness of ripe Japanese plums or ume, the finesse of sugar, and the vibrant spirits of Shochu, a beloved Japanese distilled liquor. By sealing these ingredients in sterilized glass jars and allowing them to sit and mingle for a while, these fairly simple ingredients transform into a delightful concoction that’s a joy to savour.

A Fusion that Works so Perfectly

Juxtaposing the homeliness of a New England winter with the exhilarating tradition of Japanese winemaking, this plum wine recipe encapsulates the beauty of global kitchen. This dish is reminiscent of mead, an alcoholic beverage my Irish grandparents would often talk about. However, the Japanese Plum Wine walks a unique path, differing in its use of fruits and distillation method. It pairs brilliantly with many dishes, particularly Japanese cuisine. But don’t limit yourself! Try it with a homestyle corned beef roast or with a classic clam chowder and see how it thrills your palate.

Reaping Health Benefits from Your Glass

What I love even more about the Japanese Plum Wine is that, despite its basic composition, it brings health benefits to the table (or the glass!). Research suggests that Japanese plums, or ume, are low in calories but high in nutrients like Vitamin C, which helps boost immunity. Shochu also has certain health benefits – studies suggest that it contains enzymes that help break down blood clots, reducing the risk of heart diseases and strokes!

In the end, every memorable recipe comes complete with a personal story behind it and this Japanese Plum Wine is no exception. It resonates with my explorations of culture and cuisine, a testament to the fusion of different worlds in a flavorful bottle!

What You’ll Need

  • 2 lbs of fresh Japanese plums (ume)
  • 3 1/2 cups of sugar
  • 1 quart of Shochu (Japanese distilled liquor)
  • 6 sterilized glass jars (1 quart size)


Step One

Start by thoroughly washing the Japanese plums (ume). Once clean, remove the stem ends with a toothpick, but be careful not to damage the fruit. It’s important to remove all stems as they can lead to a bitter taste.

Step Two

After removing the stems, place the plums in one of the sterilized glass jars.

Step Three

Now add the sugar to the jar containing the plums. Take your time and ensure the sugar is evenly spread throughout the jar.

Step Four

As the next step, pour in the Shochu. It’s crucial to ensure that the Shochu completely covers the plums and sugar. If required, you may add more Shochu until it perfectly covers the plums and sugar.

Step Five

Securely place the lid on the jar and give it a gentle shake to mix the contents.

Step Six

Lastly, store this jar in a cool, dark place and let it sit for about six months. During this period, try to periodically shake the jar lightly to help dissolve the sugar. After six months, your Japanese Plum Wine should be ready to enjoy. Remember to strain the plums before drinking.

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