Homemade Smoked Salmon

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 4 hours (approx.) Difficulty: Moderate Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
311 13g 3g 10g
sugars fibre protein salt
20g 0g 39g 3g

Why I Love French Homemade Smoked Salmon

Imagine the vibrant aroma of freshly caught salmon wafting through the air, then intertwining with the earthy, soothing scent of hickory or apple wood. These delicious scent notes are essential in the creation of my take on a classic French dish, the Homemade Smoked Salmon. This recipe captured my heart due to its elegant simplicity and divine depth of flavor.

Delicious homemade smoked salmon

From Boston to France: A Culinary Connection

New England is known for its incredible seafood; from Maine lobsters to Massachusetts shrimp, the Atlantic Ocean shores have greatly influenced my culinary journey. Being born and raised in Boston, I have grown a deep connection with the sea’s bounty. As a child, I found comfort in the briny goodness of a clam chowder on a chilly night. Yet it’s hard to ignore my Irish lineage; grandiose dinners laden with comforting dishes like Corned Beef and Cabbage were a staple during family gatherings. My grandparents’ love for homely Irish fare and the seafood goodness of my birthplace coalesce in my culinary style.

Despite this, the Homemade Smoked Salmon isn’t exactly reminiscent of the comfort food of Boston or Ireland. It leans more heavily towards the French tradition, more specifically, the appetizer recipes commonly found in Normandy, including smoked salmon. The allure of French cuisine, particularly their aptitude for using simpler ingredients and transforming them into culinary masterpieces really inspired me to create this recipe.

The Creative Influence: A Salute to Chef Jacques Pépin

When it comes to French cuisine, few chefs resonate deeper than Jacques Pépin. Known for his approach in bringing French cuisine to the American households, Pépin’s philosophy in cooking greatly aligns with mine. He values simplicity but never compensates on quality and flavor – a thought that I tried my best to translate into this Homemade Smoked Salmon recipe. Although I was inspired by Pépin, this recipe is fully my own.

Pairing Ideas and Dish Inspirations

This mouthwatering Homemade Smoked Salmon has the versatility to stand out beautifully on a charcuterie board, as the main protein in a luxe salad, or even on classic canapés, giving an upscale touch to your gathering or simply a special weeknight dinner at home with Laura and our little boy. Similarly flavored dishes like the Scandinavian dish, Gravlax, owe its unique taste to a similar curing and seasoning process, just like our Homemade Smoked Salmon. Pair it with a chilled glass of Chardonnay and it would be just like dining by the Seine!

Through my Homemade Smoked Salmon recipe, I wish to share with you the experience that has kindled my adventure in the realm of cooking – the delightful journey of starting with the simplest ingredients and transforming them into a fragrant, flavorful masterpiece.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 pounds fresh salmon fillet
  • 1/2 cup fine sea salt
  • 1/2 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon vodka
  • 2 sprigs fresh dill, chopped
  • Wood chips for smoking (e.g. hickory or apple)


Step One

Begin by mixing the fine sea salt, white sugar, brown sugar, and black pepper in a bowl. This will create the curing mixture for your salmon.

Step Two

Lay your salmon fillet skin-side down on a large piece of plastic wrap. Generously cover the entire surface of the fish with the curing mixture. Make sure all parts of the salmon are covered.

Step Three

Sprinkle the chopped fresh dill over the salmon and drizzle the vodka over the top. This will infuse the fish with additional flavor.

Step Four

Wrap the salmon tightly in the plastic wrap and place it in a dish with sides (to catch any liquid that may escape). Then put it in the fridge to cure for 24 to 36 hours, turning the fish over every 12 hours.

Step Five

After the curing process, remove the salmon from the fridge. Rinse off the curing mixture under cold water, then pat the salmon dry with paper towels. Allow it to sit at room temperature to air-dry for about 1 hour until it feels slightly tacky. This will form a pellicle, which helps the smoke adhere to the fish.

Step Six

Prepare your smoker by filling it with the wood chips of your choice and preheating to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the salmon in the smoker, skin-side down, and smoke for about 3 hours, or until the internal temperature of the fish reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step Seven

Remove the salmon from the smoker and let it cool before serving. Your homemade smoked salmon is now ready to enjoy!

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