Acerola and Orange Marmalade

Prep: 30 mins Cook: 25 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
695 0.4g 0.1g 179g
sugars fibre protein salt
174g 3.9g 2.3g 0.012g

Adhering to my roots and weaving in my French heritage, I am incredibly enthused to share the Acerola and Orange Marmalade recipe. This delightful mix combines the sun-drenched sweetness of fresh acerola cherries and ripened oranges. It’s a concoction that does more than merely tickle the palate; it’s an enjoyment that connects us with the earth and the myriad delightful flavours it bestows.

A jar of Acerola and Orange Marmalade surrounded by fresh oranges and acerola cherries

Linking the Old World with the New

With this recipe, one cannot help but draw parallels with the traditional French orange confiture. However, the introduction of acerola cherries adds a delightful tropical twist, much like Creole culinary practices revisited traditional French fare.

As a classic base, orange marmalade complements many dishes, from croissants and scones to roasts and sausages. But the vivid tang and intriguing complexity of this Acerola and Orange Marmalade recipe elevated such common pairings. I look forward to slathering it on a flaky, warm beignet or incorporating it into a sponge cake for an unexpected punch of flavor.

More than Just a Burst of Flavour

This recipe isn’t just about indulgence and rich flavors; it’s also a healthful addition to your pantry. Oranges are a well-known source of Vitamin C and antioxidants, and the acerola cherries—aramount in Brazilian dietary heritage—are thought to have superb health benefits, including being a potent antioxidant.

When combined with the right meal, this Acerola and Orange Marmalade could aid digestion, fight off free radicals, and even help lower cholesterol. Health aficionados will be drawn to this delightful blend of flavor and well-being.

Let’s take one more deep dive into the beauty and complexity of this recipe. As you spread this marmalade over your morning toast or fold it into your favourite dessert, remember the magic it carries. The Acerola and Orange Marmalade, with its continental and tropical hues, is more than a delicious preserve; it’s a testament to picnics in sunny fruit orchards, to shared laughs over breakfast, and to a heritage that springs from the heart and dances on the tongue.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups of fresh acerola cherries
  • 2 cups of fresh orange juice, from about 3 to 4 oranges
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh orange zest (from about 2 oranges)
  • 4 cups of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup of lemon juice
  • 1 packet of pectin (1.75 oz)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of butter
ALLERGENS: Oranges, acerola cherries, lemon, pectin, butter


Step One

Wash and destem fresh acerola cherries. Afterward, mash the cherries in a bowl to extract their juice and set aside.

Step Two

Next, juice about 3 to 4 fresh oranges until you have approximately 2 cups of orange juice. Also, zest about 2 oranges to gather 1 tablespoon of fresh orange zest.

Step Three

In a large, deep saucepan, combine the juice from the acerola cherries and oranges. Stir in your freshly grated orange zest.

Step Four

Over medium heat, gradually mix in the granulated sugar while stirring constantly. Continue to stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Step Five

Add in the lemon juice followed by the packet of pectin. Increase your heat and bring the mixture to a rolling boil. Keep stirring to ensure the mixture does not stick to the sides of the pan.

Step Six

Reduce heat to low and stir in the butter. The addition of butter helps to reduce any foam that forms on the surface of the mixture.

Step Seven

Maintain a strong simmer for about 5 minutes or until your desired consistency is achieved. Remember to stir occasionally during this time.

Step Eight

Remove the pan from heat and allow the marmalade to cool. Once cooled sufficiently, transfer the marmalade into sterilized jars. Seal the jars properly and store in a cool, dark place until use. Ensure to refrigerate after opening.

Step Nine

Finally, slather your homemade Acerola and Orange Marmalade on bread or use in recipes as needed. This marmalade is perfect for breakfast or as a sweet addition to any meal. Enjoy the tangy and sweet flavors of acerola and orange in this delightful marmalade. Enjoy!

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