African Cherry Orange and Pineapple Smoothie

Prep: 15 mins Cook: No cooking required Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
150 2g 1g 35g
sugars fibre protein salt
27g 2g 6g 0.3g

I have an immense passion for this tasty African Cherry, Orange, and Pineapple Smoothie recipe and there’s a heartwarming narrative behind my affection. My West African upbringing is welcoming and soulful, much like the warm and inviting people of Nigeria, and it reflects in the dishes that I create. Yet growing up in Atlanta I’ve learned to appreciate the bold flavors of Southern American food too. This nourishing smoothie serves as a delicious symbol of my dual heritage.

African Cherry, Orange, and Pineapple Smoothie

A Burst of Vibrant Flavours

The African cherry, known as Agbalumo or Udara in my mother’s native tongue, alongside the refreshing citrus of the orange and the sweet tanginess of the pineapple, intertwine harmoniously in this beverage. It’s a natural, bright flavor that one might compare to the popular Brazilian fruit smoothie, albeit with its own unique twist. If you haven’t tried it before, the African Cherry has an exotic taste that is tangy, sweet, and completely unique.

Paired Perfection

This smoothie isn’t just great as a standalone drink, it can also be the perfect companion to a wholesome brunch. Picture a plate of fluffy buttermilk biscuits, and a side of Egusi soup, a popular West African soup consisting of ground melon seeds, rich in protein and healthy fats. Washing it down with this delightful beverage feels like a celebration of the culinary blending of my Southern American and Nigerian roots.

The Healing Properties of My Favorite Smoothie

Every ingredient plays a significant role in not just the flavor profile, but also the health benefits of this African Cherry, Orange, and Pineapple Smoothie. African cherry is known for being rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, meaning it can help to boost your immune functions and improve skin health. Oranges, as we all know, are an excellent source of vitamins and can aid in promoting heart health. Pineapples, whilst well known for their anti-inflammatory properties, also aid digestion. No matter the season or the climate, this smoothie is truly a nourishing gift for the body and soul.

As I blend these ingredients together, I don’t just see a mix of fruits and spices in a whirlpool of strawberries and cream. No, I see a harmonious blending of cultures and traditions, a glass of wholesome goodness that resonates with the essence of who I am. My Afro-Southern fusion isn’t just a cuisine, it’s my story, and this African Cherry, Orange, and Pineapple Smoothie is one delicious chapter.

What You’ll Need

  • 3 cups of African Cherry (Agbalumo)
  • 2 cups of fresh Orange juice
  • 2 cups of fresh Pineapple juice
  • 2 cups of low-fat vanilla yogurt
  • 1 cup of ice cubes
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar (optional)


Step One

Start by preparing the African Cherry (Agbalumo). Wash the agbalumo thoroughly to remove any dirt, cut them open and remove the seeds. Set aside.

Step Two

Then prepare your fruit juices. Squeeze out the juice from fresh oranges and pineapples until you have 2 cups of each. You can also use a juicer if you have one available.

Step Three

Next, add the prepared agbalumo, orange juice, pineapple juice, and low-fat vanilla yogurt to a blender. If you prefer your smoothie sweetened, you can also add the sugar at this stage. However, this is entirely optional and depends on your personal taste.

Step Four

Add the ice cubes to the blender. The ice cubes will make your smoothie cold and give it a thicker consistency.

Step Five

Blend all ingredients together until smooth. You might want to pause in between and stir the mixture to ensure that everything is properly integrated. Stop blending once you’ve achieved your desired consistency.

Step Six

Pour your African Cherry Orange and Pineapple Smoothie into glasses and serve immediately. Enjoy your refreshing and nutritious smoothie!

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