Araza Ice Cream

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 25 mins – 30 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
325 16g 10g 20g
sugars fibre protein salt
16g 1g 6g 0.2g

With a love for impactful taste and treasured family traditions, it’s little wonder I’ve fallen in love with the Araza Ice Cream recipe. There’s a simple joy that comes from the marriage of exotic fruits and traditional cream-based delicacies. This splendid dessert, staffing a mélange of araza pulp and cream, carries flavors across continents and melds them beautifully into a refreshing antidote to the summer sun.

Araza Ice Cream

The History on the Plate

Many of our beloved recipes have their roots ingrained in history and culture, and Araza Ice Cream is no different. Araza, a fruit native to the Amazon rainforest, is subtly tangy and incredibly aromatic – making it a perfect candidate for a unique ice cream delight. Combine this with the cream-and-milk ice cream base that so closely resembles my Laura’s cherished Bailey’s Irish ice cream recipe, and we have a frozen dessert that spans continents.

This recipe captures the essence of exotic Latin American fruits while providing a nod to the heartwarming Irish cream desserts that Laura and I so often delight in. Before a bite even touches your tongue, your senses will be met with the familiar creamy texture of traditional ice cream, laced with the exotic aroma of the Amazonian araza.

A Nutritious Sweet Treat

Being a father has made me more mindful of the meals we consume as a family. Araza Ice Cream isn’t just about enjoying a sweet treat; it’s about enjoying a dessert that offers health benefits too. Araza is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which contributes to overall health and wellbeing. On top of this, the heavy cream and milk in this recipe trickle in a significant amount of calcium and vitamin D.

However, if you are watching your sugar intake, feel free to substitute the granulated sugar with healthier sweetening alternatives like raw honey or stevia. The authenticity of the recipe will remain intact.

Ideal for Complementary Dishes

Araza Ice Cream works as an excellent standalone dessert, but it’s also versatile enough to complement other dishes. It pairs wonderfully with a warm slice of Irish Apple Crumble or a serving of New England Blueberry Scones. The rich, creamy sweetness of the ice cream provides an exquisite counterpoint to the warm, tart fruitiness of the apple crumble or the scone.

The blissful experiences that Araza Ice Cream brings to me and my family inspire me every day, and I hope it lights up your gourmet journey too. So, go ahead, let your culinary adventure lead the way, and let the flavors of Araza Ice Cream dance on your palate.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 cup of araza pulp
  • 2 cups of heavy cream
  • 1 cup of whole milk
  • 3/4 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • A pinch of sea salt


Step One

Start by combining the araza pulp and lemon juice together in a bowl. Make sure you mix them well until they are perfectly blended.

Step Two

Set up a medium-sized pot on medium heat, then pour in your whole milk, heavy cream and sugar. Stir the mixture periodically until the sugar is fully dissolved. This may take up to 10 minutes. Be careful not to let the mixture boil.

Step Three

Once the sugar is completely dissolved, remove the pot from the heat. Pour the araza and lemon mixture into the pot, followed by the vanilla extract and a pinch of sea salt. Stir all these ingredients together until you get a uniform mixture.

Step Four

Allow the mixture to cool and once it is at room temperature, cover it and put it in the refrigerator. Leave it overnight or for a minimum of 6 hours for it to chill completely.

Step Five

After the mixture is well chilled, pour it into your ice cream maker. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your particular model to churn the mixture into ice cream. This process usually takes about 20 – 25 minutes.

Step Six

Once done, your Araza Ice Cream is ready. You can serve it immediately for a soft-serve texture or you can transfer it to an airtight container and place in the freezer for 2 hours for a firmer ice cream. Enjoy!

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