Blueberry Smoothie

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6


kcal fat saturates carbs
199 3.5g 1.5g 40g
sugars fibre protein salt
29g 3g 6g 0.14g



One of my absolute favorite recipes to whip up is the refreshing Blueberry Smoothie. Maybe it’s because of Portland’s rich blueberry heritage or perhaps it’s the simplistic yet delightful blend of flavors it delivers. Either way, it’s a family favorite that I have cherished for years.

Blueberry Smoothie

A Family Tradition

The memories tied to this recipe make it even more special. Growing up in Portland, blueberries were a staple in our house. Come summer, Erin, Samantha, and I would pick our own berries, turning them into delicious treats that would feel like a reward after a day out. Whether fresh or frozen, blueberries bring out such a rich and vibrant flavor, making this smoothie not just a refreshment but an experience.

Health Benefits Galore

Beyond its delightful taste, the Blueberry Smoothie is packed with numerous health benefits. Blueberries are known to be rich in antioxidants, which can protect your body from free radicals and help maintain your overall health. Bananas add that creamy texture and are an excellent source of potassium, aiding in heart health. Moreover, using vanilla yogurt and honey not only adds a touch of sweetness but also brings in probiotics and antibacterial properties, making this smoothie a nutritious powerhouse.

Milk—or whichever type you prefer—provides essential calcium and vitamin D. For those who are lactose intolerant or prefer a plant-based diet, almond or oat milk works wonderfully. The addition of vanilla extract and ice cubes rounds out this refreshing recipe, creating that perfect creamy consistency and flavor.

Simplicity Meets Versatility

What I adore most about the Blueberry Smoothie is how simple and versatile it is. It’s perfect for a quick breakfast on the go or a refreshing afternoon snack. Pair it with a warm slice of banana bread or enjoy it alongside a light grain salad for a balanced meal. The flavor combinations are endless, and the ease of preparation makes it a regular in our household.

For those interested in other refreshing fruity beverages, you might find joy in something like a Strawberry Mango Smoothie which offers a tropical twist, or perhaps a Green Detox Smoothie for a nutrient boost. Both maintain that same freshness which defines a great smoothie.

In the end, the Blueberry Smoothie is a recipe that brings my family together, nourishes our bodies, and delights our taste buds. I hope this recipe becomes a cherished part of your culinary repertoire too.


What You’ll Need


  • 3 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 3 cups vanilla yogurt
  • 2 cups milk (any type)
  • 6 tablespoons honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 cups ice cubes


ALLERGENS: Milk, Honey



Step One

Rinse the fresh blueberries thoroughly under cold water. If you are using frozen blueberries, ensure they are appropriately thawed.

Step Two

Peel and slice the ripe bananas into smaller chunks to make blending easier.

Step Three

In a blender, add the fresh or thawed blueberries, sliced bananas, vanilla yogurt, and milk.

Step Four

Add the honey and vanilla extract to the blender. These will provide extra sweetness and enhance the flavor of the smoothie.

Step Five

Add the ice cubes to the blender. This will help to give the smoothie a refreshing chill and a thicker consistency.

Step Six

Blend all the ingredients together until smooth and creamy. You may need to stop and stir the mixture occasionally to ensure everything is well combined.

Step Seven

Once blended to your desired consistency, pour the smoothie into glasses and serve immediately. Enjoy your delicious and nutritious Blueberry Smoothie!

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