Cempedak Pudding

Prep: 20 mins Cook: 60 mins Difficulty: Medium Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
451 22g 14g 55g
sugars fibre protein salt
43g 2g 9g 0.17g

Biting into a slice of my Cempedak Pudding sends me spiraling down memory lanes of my sunny Californian upbringing. The rich, fruity notes of Cempedak mingle with sweet buttery goodness; this recipe is a love letter to the days spent pickling my own homegrown salads and throwing together Avocado toasts for Sunday brunch. Such simple and fresh ingredients combined to create an addictive and truly comforting dessert are enough to sweep anyone off their feet. An epitome of West Coast health-consciousness and classic American comfort, the Cempedak Pudding has got it all.

Cempedak Pudding

A Fusion of Flavors

We’re all familiar with puddings in their many avatars – think, bread pudding, rice pudding, or even the classic American custard. However, incorporating the exotic fruit Cempedak into this staple dish takes it to a stratospheric level of flavor. Native to Southeast Asia, cempedak lends a tropical, honey-like sweetness to the pudding that is simply irresistible. The texture of this fruit is creamy and custard-like, making it a perfect fit for this recipe. Not only does it uplift the overall flavor but it also adds a unique textural element to an otherwise familiar classic.

Healthful Indulgence

With a dessert this delicious, it is easy to forget that this recipe isn’t just an indulgence for the taste buds, but it’s also great for our health. Cempedak is packed with vitamins A, C and a slew of antioxidants, essential for a strong immune system, healthy skin, and prevention of chronic diseases. The whole milk contributes calcium for strong bones, while the eggs are rich in protein and vital minerals. But the health boost doesn’t stop there with the cempedak offering a hefty dose of dietary fiber promoting good digestion. You can learn more about the benefits of dietary fiber here.

The Perfect Pairing

When it comes to pairing this exquisite pudding, I love to accompany it with a bright, crisp salad or even a hearty main dish like roasted chicken. The Cempedak Pudding’s sweet and refreshing notes compliment a variety of savory dishes while bringing a comforting balance. Seafood dishes like grilled shrimp or salmon would beautifully match the tropical nature of Cempedak, transporting you straight to a warm beach with every bite. If you want to keep things simple, a charcuterie board with a selection of your favorite cheeses makes for a delightful pairing. This versatile dish suits any occasion or mood, proving once again why the Cempedak Pudding holds such a special place in my heart.

Creating Memories With Recipes

My Cempedak Pudding is more than just a dessert recipe — it’s a window into my world of Californian roots, of farm-fresh flavors weaved seamlessly into American comfort classics. It’s an opportunity for me to share my love for balance and wholesome nutrition with each bite you take. Every spoonful sings a story — one of love, comfort, health, and home. As I look forward to sharing more of these food memories and stories with you, I hope this pudding recipe will become as beloved in your home as it is in mine.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 cups of fresh cempedak pulp
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 2 cups of whole milk
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup of unsalted butter
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 cup of heavy cream for topping (optional)
ALLERGENS: milk, eggs, wheat


Step One

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. While the oven is heating, grease a baking pan with a little bit of butter and set aside.

Step Two

In a large bowl, combine the cempedak pulp with the granulated sugar. Stir well until the sugar is fully incorporated.

Step Three

In a separate bowl, whisk together the whole milk, eggs, and vanilla extract. Gradually whisk in the all-purpose flour until there are no lumps remaining.

Step Four

Slowly pour the milk and egg mixture into the bowl with the cempedak pulp, stirring continuously. Make sure to mix the ingredients well to ensure the pulp is evenly distributed.

Step Five

Cut the unsalted butter into small pieces and add them to the mixture. Stir well until the butter is completely melted and evenly distributed throughout.

Step Six

Next, add a pinch of salt to the mixture and stir well. This will help to balance out the sweetness of the pudding.

Step Seven

Pour the mixture into the prepared baking pan, smoothing the top with a spatula. Place the pan in the preheated oven and bake for about 45 minutes or until the pudding is set and lightly golden on top.

Step Eight

Remove the pudding from the oven and let it cool in the pan for about 10 minutes. You can serve the pudding warm, or let it cool completely and then refrigerate for a few hours to serve it chilled.

Step Nine

If desired, whip up the heavy cream until it forms soft peaks, and spoon it on top of the chilled pudding as a decadent topping before serving.

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