Cicely Infused Scrambled Eggs

Prep: 5 mins Cook: 8 mins – 11 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
240 17g 6g 7g
sugars fibre protein salt
5g 1g 16g 0.51g

Every now and then, a recipe comes along that effortlessly blends comfort, health, and a touch of the exotic. For me, Cicely Infused Scrambled Eggs is one such gem. It might seem like an unusual twist—adding a delicate herb like cicely to your breakfast eggs—but trust me, it’s a combination that will make you rethink your morning routine. Inspired by my love for fresh, coastal ingredients and a constant search for new flavors to delight my daughters Erin and Samantha, this dish has become a staple in our weekend brunches.

Cicely Infused Scrambled Eggs

A Nutritional Powerhouse

When it comes to health benefits, this recipe is a true powerhouse. Cicely, with its mild, anise-like flavor, is known for its digestive benefits and its ability to soothe the gastrointestinal tract. Combined with the protein-packed eggs and the fresh burst of nutrients from mixed fruit, this dish is a well-rounded meal that will fuel you for the day ahead. The inclusion of berries in particular adds a burst of antioxidants, while peaches or apples contribute to your daily fiber intake.

A Taste of New England’s Best

Growing up in Portland, Maine, I was always surrounded by the freshest seafood and locally sourced produce. While this recipe doesn’t include lobster or clams, its fresh and season-savvy ingredients certainly remind me of a traditional New England summer breakfast. The light, aromatic flavor of cicely paired with the creamy texture of scrambled eggs and the sweetness of fresh fruit brings together the best of land and sea.

Complementary Dishes

If you’re planning a full meal, Cicely Infused Scrambled Eggs pairs wonderfully with dishes like a simple crispy pan-fried home fries or a fresh mixed greens and herbs salad. This versatility makes it not just a great standalone dish but also a fantastic component in a larger breakfast or brunch spread.

Ultimately, what makes Cicely Infused Scrambled Eggs so special is its ability to offer something unique and nourishing, while still being comfortingly familiar. It’s a dish that can fit into your everyday routine and elevate it with layers of subtle, exquisite flavors. I find immense joy in sharing these simple, yet innovative recipes with you, hoping they bring the same delight to your table as they do to mine.

What You’ll Need

  • 12 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup whole milk
  • 1 tablespoon fresh cicely, finely chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 cup mixed fruit (such as berries, peaches, or apples), chopped


Step One

In a large mixing bowl, crack the 12 large eggs. Add the 1/2 cup whole milk, 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh cicely, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Whisk until well combined and the eggs are slightly frothy.

Step Two

Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-low heat. Add the 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter to the skillet and let it melt, tilting the pan to coat it evenly.

Step Three

Pour the egg mixture into the skillet. Let it sit for a moment until the edges start to set. Using a spatula, gently stir the eggs, pushing them from the edges to the center. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until the eggs are mostly set but still creamy and soft.

Step Four

Remove the skillet from the heat before the eggs are completely cooked to your liking, as they will continue to cook from the residual heat. Serve the cicely-infused scrambled eggs immediately, accompanied by the 1 cup of mixed fruit. Enjoy!

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