Durian Pudding

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 20 mins Difficulty: Moderate Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
355 17g 8g 46g
sugars fibre protein salt
39g 4g 6g 0.2g

There’s a special place in my heart for the standout recipe of Durian Pudding. It’s an offering that brings together my love for tropical fruits and an ode to my adventurous spirit. This humble pudding isn’t just another dessert, it’s my attempt at breathing new life into conventional flavors, stretching the boundaries of taste, and paying homage to my rich culinary heritage. One taste of this luscious dessert and I guarantee you’ll find yourself on a culinary journey, transcending the subtleness of the Durian’s complex flavor profile and basking in the creaminess of full-fat milk.

Durian Pudding

More Than Just a Dessert

This Durian Pudding is more than just a sweet end to your meal. It serves as an homage to the good old days when my grandmother used to make copious amounts of rice pudding in our tiny New Jersey kitchen. And while I may have swapped the rice for Durian, the essence of comfort and love that went into creating those delectable spoonfuls has undoubtedly been maintained. Plus, with a generous topping of whipped cream, this pudding turns into a velvety delight that melts in your mouth, making it reminiscent of the Italian classic, Tiramisu. This recipe could quite magnificently take center stage alongside a traditional Tiramisu or Panna Cotta for an magnificent Italian dessert spread.

The Health Benefits

The benefits of the durian fruit woven into this recipe are numerous, bringing more to the table than just tantalizing flavors. Hailed as the ‘King of Fruits’, it is packed with nutrients and is said to be beneficial for improving muscle strength, bone health, and even aids in delaying aging. While indulging with this Durian Pudding, you’re not just treating your tastebuds but also nurturing your body. That’s what I call a win-win!

Each spoonful of the pudding offers a sweet surrender to the divine mixture of sugary goodness, creamy texture, and the unforgettable scent and taste of Durian. So, when you take a bite of this pudding, you’re not just indulging in a dessert—you’re partaking in a culinary experience that deeply aligns with my own nostalgia and the often overlooked desire for culinary adventure. The Durian Pudding isn’t just a recipe, it’s a sweet testament to my food journey—a journey that I’m incredibly excited for you to become a part of.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 medium-sized ripe Durian
  • 1 cup of full-fat milk
  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup of cornstarch
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup of whipped cream
  • 6 mint leaves for garnish (optional)
ALLERGENS: Durian, milk, egg, whipped cream


Step One

Begin by cutting the durian in half and remove the flesh. Be careful as the outer shell can be quite sharp. You should obtain approximately 1 cup of durian flesh.

Step Two

In a blender, blend the durian flesh together with the milk until it forms a smooth puree. Set this aside for the time being.

Step Three

In a medium-sized pot, combine the sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Then, incorporate the durian and milk puree and mix everything together until it’s well combined.

Step Four

Place the pot with the mixture over medium heat and bring it to a simmer. Stir continuously until the mixture thickens. This should take approximately 10 minutes.

Step Five

In a separate bowl, lightly beat the egg yolks. Slowly ladle in about 1 cup of the hot durian mixture, while continuously whisking the yolks. This is to temper the eggs and prevent them from scrambling.

Step Six

Once the eggs are tempered, pour them back into the pot with the remaining durian mixture. Stir continuously over low heat until the pudding starts to thicken, around 5 minutes.

Step Seven

Remove the pot from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract. Let the pudding cool for about 15 minutes, then divide it among dessert bowls or ramekins.

Step Eight

Chill the durian pudding in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, or until completely cooled and set.

Step Nine

When ready to serve, top each pudding with a dollop of whipped cream and garnish with a mint leaf, if desired. Enjoy the exotic flavor of your homemade durian pudding.

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