Finger Lime and Avocado Salad

Prep: 15 mins Cook: 0 mins Difficulty: Easy Serves: 6
kcal fat saturates carbs
246 20g 3g 16g
sugars fibre protein salt
3g 8g 3g 0.2g

The Midwestern heartland – the one I hail from and continually draw my culinary inspiration – is not only renowned for its hearty, comfort-food laden dishes, but it also boasts an array of colorful, refreshing, and nutrient-dense produce. Among these, is one of my favorite recipes, that is the utterly refreshing Finger Lime and Avocado Salad, a delightful dish that captures the magic of mixing textures and flavors.

Though a bit distant from my usual repertoire of classic Nebraskan dishes, the concoction of ripe avocados and finger lime pearls is a testament to my fondness for diversifying my cooking whenever possible. In blending the rich, creamy texture of ripe avocados with the popping spheroids of tart flavor in finger lime pearls, the Finger Lime and Avocado Salad harmonizes these distinct elements in a captivating blend that is as delightful to the palate as it is visually stunning.

A Fresh Twist on Timeless Ingredients

Hailing from frosty Nebraska, I liken this salad to the first breath of spring. The crunch of the cucumber, the peppery bite only spring onions can provide, its all encompassed in a dancing medley of fresh lemon juice, rich, fruity olive oil, and red wine vinegar to cut through the unctuousness.

Similar dishes may feature lemons or conventional lime varieties, but I assure you, the finger lime lends an unparalleled taste dynamic. And if you’re looking to round out a meal, perhaps consider pairing this salad with a grilled fish dish, a vegan tofu steak or a refreshing glass of sparkling water for a light, satisfying, and undeniably wholesome meal.

Why It’s a Bowl of Good Health

Aside from its bold flavors and delightful textures, this salad offers considerable health benefits. Avocado is packed with healthy fats and fiber that promote optimal heart health and aid in digestion. Finger lime, akin to its citrus kin, is a potent source of immune-boosting vitamin C. When united in salad form as they are here, they create not just a meal, but a nutritional powerhouse.

Finger Lime and Avocado Salad

Though the Midwestern cold can sometimes be a barrier to obtaining some of the salad’s exotic ingredients, an online grocery service like Instacart or a specialty food store may hold the key to securing these unique foods. So, go ahead. Try this recipe! And remember, variety is the prime ingredient in the culinary scene that keeps life flavorful and vibrant.

What You’ll Need

  • 3 large avocados, ripe but still firm
  • 1 cup of finger lime pearls
  • 4 spring onions, finely sliced
  • 1 cucumber, seeds removed, and finely diced
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • Salt and black pepper to taste


Step One

Begin the preparation of Finger Lime and Avocado Salad by cutting the avocados in half, removing the pit and peeling them. Slice the avocados into small cubes and place them in a large bowl.

Step Two

Add the finger lime pearls to the same bowl. These limes are tiny and can be split open to release the “pearls”. These provide a wonderful burst of citrus flavor.

Step Three

Continue the preparation by adding the finely sliced spring onions and the finely diced cucumber into the bowl. Remember, remove the seeds from the cucumber before you dice it to avoid a watery salad.

Step Four

Proceed to make the salad dressing. In a separate smaller bowl combine 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice. Whisk them together until well combined.

Step Five

Season the dressing with salt and black pepper to taste. Pour this dressing over the salad mix in the large bowl.

Step Six

Thoroughly toss the ingredients in the bowl to ensure every piece gets coated with the dressing. Check the taste and add more salt or pepper if needed. Serve the salad right away while fresh and enjoy this refreshing Finger Lime and Avocado Salad!

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